
xiānɡ hù shì yìnɡ
  • Mutual adaptation;interadaptation
  1. 借鉴微分对策的思想,结合最优控制理论中Pon-tryagin极大值原理和VanLoon路径耦合方法,研究了两家股份制企业之间不断协调和相互适应的博弈过程;

    A dynamic corporate firm model was developed for differential games , with the Maximum Principle of Pontryagin combined with the path coupling procedure of van Loon to analyze the coordinating and adapting processes of the firms in games .

  2. 使人口、资源、环境、经济四个系统间协同合作,相互适应,以一种合理的比例关系发展,区域PREE系统才能够保持总体可持续性。

    In order to keep the Regional PREE system sustainable , we should make the four systems such as populace , resource , environment and economics corporate with each other , grow in an adaptable proportion .

  3. 庞建忠说:投资者和股票发行者需要相互适应。

    Investors and issuers need to adjust , he says .

  4. 他说,以色列人和巴勒斯坦人还没有相互适应。

    He says Israelis and Palestinians have to get used to one another .

  5. 内外环境通过界面而相互适应。

    Internal environment and external environment are adapted to one another through the " interface " .

  6. 指出炉子结构与操作二者之间相互适应的重要性;

    The importance of mutual adaptation between structure of furnace and its operation has been stated .

  7. 该系统主要元素教材、学生和教师必须相互适应。

    The main elements , teaching material , student and teacher should be suited each other .

  8. 论玉米高产开发中品种类型特性与生态条件的相互适应

    Research on the Adaptability of Variety Type Character and Ecological Condition in Developing High Yield Maize

  9. 战略与环境是相互适应,相互影响的关系。

    The strategy and the environment is to adapt to each other , the mutual influence relations .

  10. 相互适应中的意图对等

    Intention Equivalence in Mutual Adaptation

  11. 古镇的传统空间是人与自然长期互动、相互适应的结果。

    Traditional space of ancient town is a result of a long-term interaction between human and nature .

  12. 它们之间的相互适应程度往往就决定了企业组织有效发展的程度,决定了企业目标有效实现的程度。

    The degree of their mutual adaptation determines the extent of organization effective development and organization goals realization .

  13. 在系统长期运行过程中,预警目标、预警方法和预警指标是否相互适应将反复评价。

    In long-running process , whether early-warning objectives are compatible with methods and indicators will be repeatedly assessed .

  14. 本文旨从动态角度出发,揭示名与实的运动变化规律及其相互适应过程。

    This article is going to explore the processes of their motion and interadaption from the dynamic angle .

  15. 植物-植食性昆虫-寄生蜂三级营养结构之间由于长期相互适应和协同进化,产生了一系列独特的相互关系。

    Specific interactions were involved in host plant-herbivore-parasitoid system based on the adaptive strategies and coevolution on tritrophic interactions .

  16. 这一相互适应的配套关系介定了劳动的结构,同时也体现了新的剥削实践和结构的特性。

    This correspondence defines the new topology of labor and also characterizes the new practices and structures of exploitation .

  17. 人口与经济协调发展是指两者协同运作,相互适应,以一种合理的比例关系发展。

    Population and economic coordinated development refers to two systems do coordinated operation and develop in a reasonable property relation .

  18. 探讨了农民素质培养与农业科技推广相互适应的新途径&参与式培训模式。

    It discussed the new method on adaptation of peasants ' quality and agriculture technology popularization , which is participation training model .

  19. 本文介绍了在喷射钻井中计算和确定各种钻井水力参数和泥桨流变参数相互适应的优选方法。

    This paper discusses the optimum methods for calculating and determining va - rious hydraulic parameters and mud rheologic parameters in jet drilling .

  20. 从生物化学水平分析蜱媒对该病原体入侵的防御反应,并分析蜱媒与病原体间的相互适应结果。

    Making certain that how the defense reaction in the level of invasion of the pathogen , and interadaptation between ticks and bacteria .

  21. 国民经济要良好发展,就需要公路网发展与国民经济应相互适应。

    To the sound development of the national economy requires the development of road network and the national economy should be adapted to each other .

  22. 同时,志贺氏菌也是一个质粒毒力基因和染色体各类基因协同进化、相互适应的典型范例。

    At the same time , Shigella spp. is a typical example of gene coevolution and mutual adaptation between plasmid virulence genes and chromosomal virulence genes .

  23. 接轨不应该、也不可能是单向的,各做调整、相互适应,才是双赢的基础。

    The realization of a win-win situation should be based on mutual adaptation and adjustment , rather than one side following the other side 's practices .

  24. 正确处理好围绕学生获得发展中的各种关系,构建师生相互适应的课程体系,灵活加以实施;

    To deal with various relationships properly during the course of students development , and to build the curriculum system fitting for both teachers and students ;

  25. 体育课程实施是课程改革的落脚点,其实施的本质包括忠实取向、相互适应取向和创生取向。

    PE curriculum implementation , whose essence could be classified as fidelity orientation , mutual adaptation and enactment orientation , is the root of PE curriculum reform .

  26. 实施这一战略,政府的主导作用要与各民族群众的主体作用结合起来,促进生态建设与生态经济相互适应与协调发展。

    For practicing the strategy , the government should develop the guiding function with corresponding with nationalistic people to coordinate the development of ecological establishment and ecological economy .

  27. 教学过程是师生双边活动的过程,教师的教和学生的学相互适应才能取得预期的教学效果。

    The teaching process is the process of bilateral activity . Only teachers ' teaching and students ' learning mutually adapted , can the expected teaching effects reached .

  28. 受城市发展的社会经济背景影响,城市职能实现了多次转型,同时城市的空间结构也不断地随之调整,从而实现城市职能和空间结构的相互适应,促进了城市的持续发展。

    Affected by the changes of social-economic background and urban function evolvement , Xuzhou experienced several function transformations , meanwhile , urban spatial structure evolved with it accordingly .

  29. 在文化全球化和地方化不可逆转的大趋势下,主体性通过主体间性体现出相互适应、相互渗透、相互兼容的态势。

    With an irreversible tendency towards globalization and localization of culture , subjectivity embodies a trend to mutual adaptation , mutual penetration and mutual compatibility by means of intersubjectivity .

  30. 然而,协调合作关系的建立不可能是一蹴而就的,而是需要在供应链系统节点企业供应链系统成员之间竞争和合作动态演化中的行为特性不断的动态调整并相互适应中逐渐形成。

    However , the coordination and cooperation of SCS can not be achieved overnight , but to be formed gradually in constant dynamic evolution of node enterprises in SCS .