
xiàng sheng
  • cross talk;comic dialogue
相声 [xiàng sheng]
  • [comic dialogue;cross talk] 曲艺的一种。按演员人数,其形式分为单口、对口、群口等,以说、学、逗、唱为其主要表现手段,通过幽默、滑稽的言语和表演引人发笑

相声[xiàng sheng]
  1. 提起说相声,他可是门里出身。

    Talking of comic dialogue , he comes from a professional family .

  2. 这段相声真哏。

    This comic dialogue is really funny .

  3. 听相声,我们情不自禁地笑了起来。

    When we listen to the crosstalk , we cannot help laughing .

  4. 他的相声时常令人捧腹。

    His cross-talk usually tickled the audience .

  5. 姜昆,全国政协委员、著名相声演员

    Jiang Kun , member of the CPPCC National Committee and celebrated3 crosstalk artist

  6. 语境顺应性与《这一夜,Women说相声》幽默性机制的构建

    On Contextual Adaptability and the Humor-building Mechanism of the Crosstalk Play Tonight , women perform crosstalk

  7. 苹果(Apple)和三星(Samsung)都争相声称自己是半导体支出最高的公司。

    Apple and Samsung are now contending to claim the title of biggest spender .

  8. 根据两相声速模量理论测定纤维非晶区取向因素f(am)的变化

    Application of the two-phase sonic modulus theory in determining the change of amorphous orientation function f_ ( am ) in fibres

  9. HFC-125气相声速和理想气体比定压热容的研究

    Study on speed of sound and ideal - gas heat capacity at constant pressure for HFC-125

  10. 贝莉引用中国相声演员周立波的话称:人们需要花钱,花了才是你的,否则就不是你的,而是中国银行(BoC)的。

    She quotes Zhou Libo , a Chinese comedian : Money needs to be spent , that makes it yours , otherwise it is not yours but the Bank of China 's.

  11. 上周四,中国颇受欢迎的传统相声演员郭德纲与澳大利亚国家博物馆(NWA)签署了一份协议书,成为了该博物馆在中国的文化大使。在澳大利亚国家博物馆举行的签字仪式上,郭德纲表示自己很荣幸能够担任这个角色。

    Guo Degang , a popular Chinese traditional crosstalk performer , signed a letter of agreement last Thursday with the National Museum of Australia ( NWA ) to become the museum 's cultural ambassador in China . At the signing ceremony held at the NWA , Guo said he was honored to take the role .

  12. 相声言语幽默的图式探悉

    Perception of Verbal Humor within Cross Talk : A Schema Explanation

  13. 本文从相声语言特色这一视野时相声语言进行粗浅探究。

    This paper probes into the language characteristics of cross talk .

  14. 我们听相声时,都会情不自禁地笑。

    We can 't help laughing when listening to the cross-talk .

  15. 这根芹菜就是我在相声社的麦克风!

    My celery stick is my microphone at the comedy club !

  16. 相声表演艺术的重要特质&是我非我

    An Important Quality of Cross Talks & Me and Non-me

  17. 会话含意理论在中国相声中的运用

    The application of the theory of conversational implicature in Chinese cross talks

  18. 此前,张宇识只写过小品和相声。

    Zhang previously only wrote short sketches and comic dialogue .

  19. 关于中国相声中的刻意曲解的语用研究

    A Pragmatic Study of Deliberate Misinterpretation in Chinese Cross Talk

  20. 相声演员往往在正式表演之前要说些垫话。

    Comic dialogue actors often speak some opening remarks before a performance .

  21. 相声演员郭德纲也在片中客串了一个片段。

    Crosstalk comedian Guo Degang makes a cameo appearance in the movie .

  22. 你看起来像你的工作相声。

    You look like you have that job down pat .

  23. 精彩的相声,宛转的歌声,优美的舞姿

    Wonderful comic dialogue , Wanzhuan singing , beautiful dance

  24. 在相声的历史、表演者来自谦卑的背景。

    Throughout cross talk 's history , performers have come from humble backgrounds .

  25. 他们的幽默的相声为新年庆典增添了不少趣味。

    Their humorous crosstalk was a great complement to the New Year Celebration .

  26. 相声《小偷公司》中言语幽默的认知语用分析

    Cognitive-pragmatic Analysis of Verbal Humor in Crosstalk Thief Company

  27. 相声这种艺术形式让老百姓喜闻乐见。

    Cross talks are an art form people love to see and hear .

  28. 戴太阳镜正站在车子旁边的那个男的是一位相声演员。

    The man with sunglasses standing near the car is a crosstalk artist .

  29. 安东尼:嗯,我的梦想是成为单口相声家。

    Anthony : Well , my dream is to be a stand-up comedian .

  30. 相声语言艺术浅谈

    On the Art of Speech of Chinese Cross Talk