
  • 网络elton;Helton
  1. 埃尔顿和埃里克·克拉普顿在温布利举行的一场摇滚音乐会上联袂演出,征服了数千位听众。

    Elton teamed up with Eric Clapton to wow thousands at a Wembley rock concert

  2. 我们还把迈克尔•杰克逊(MichaelJackson)、麦当娜(Madonna)和埃尔顿•约翰(EltonJohn)的顶级模仿者从拉斯维加斯空运来表演。

    We flew in top impersonators of Michael Jackson , Madonna and Elton John from Las Vegas to perform .

  3. 在格莱美的颁奖典礼上,LadyGaga和埃尔顿•约翰(EltonJohn)同用一架钢琴表演了合唱。

    At Sunday 's awards show , Lady Gaga is expected to play a duet on a single piano with Elton John .

  4. 加兰:你们两个都是搭建桥梁的人。埃尔顿跑去跟拉什·林堡(RushLimbaugh,以保守出名的脱口秀主持人)聊同性婚姻;

    PG : You 're both bridge-builders : Elton talking to Rush Limbaugh about gay marriage ;

  5. 上周,我的埃尔顿·约翰艾滋病基金会(EltonJohnAIDSFoundation)宣布,向女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋和跨性别者组织提供一系列捐赠,以推动艾滋病毒检测和预防活动,提升公众意识,洗除抗艾滋病毒的污名。

    Last week my organization , the Elton John AIDS Foundation , announced a series of grants to lesbian , gay , bisexual and transgender organizations to promote testing and prevention , spread awareness and fight anti-H.I.V. stigma .

  6. 布赖恩・科恩(BrianCohen)读大学时第一次乘坐国际航班去巴黎,当时他借了一个索尼随身听,用来听埃尔顿・约翰1975年的专辑《奇异船长与黄沙牛仔》(CaptainFantasticandtheBrownDirtCowboy)。

    Brian Cohen 's first international flight , to Paris during his college years , included listening to the 1975 Elton John album ' Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy ' on a borrowed Sony Walkman .

  7. 康斯坦斯王后与她的政府对于埃尔顿将军与HMSApplethwaite船员的幸存并不知情。

    Her Majesty Queen Constance and Her government were unaware of the survival of Admiral Aikton and the crew of HMS Applethwaite .

  8. 埃尔顿每年都得筹钱。

    Elton has to raise money every year to give away .

  9. 埃尔顿先生分辩说,他从来没有认真考虑过哈丽特&从来没有啊!

    He protested that he had never thought seriously of Harriet-never !

  10. 她有点儿像是埃尔顿约翰的私生女。

    She 's kind of like the bastard daughter of Elton John .

  11. 沃克:我跟埃尔顿一样,是理性的乐观。

    DW : I 'm like Elton : radically optimistic .

  12. 音乐会的主角将是埃尔顿约翰。

    The concert is to be headlined by Elton john .

  13. 埃尔顿先生对这话似乎特别敏感。

    Mr. Elton seemed very properly struck by the idea .

  14. 爱玛选定了埃尔顿先生。

    Mr. Elton was the person fixed on by Emma .

  15. 我认为埃尔顿。贝茨不会给我太多的麻烦。

    I don 't think Elton Bates will be giving me much trouble .

  16. 您好,我是玛丽,我想和埃尔顿通电话。

    Hello , this is Mary . I 'd like to speak to Elton .

  17. 现年36岁的马克·斯诺,是英国北约克郡埃尔顿村的一名木匠。

    Mark Snow , 36 , is a carpenter from Irton , North Yorkshire .

  18. 埃尔顿太太那天早上得到消息,高兴得不得了。

    Elton had received notice of it that morning , and was in raptures .

  19. 有节奏的歌曲由埃尔顿约翰和蒂姆莱斯和由汉斯齐默评分。

    By Elton John and Tim Rice , and a score by Hans Zimmer .

  20. 埃尔顿?约翰于1994年获选进入摇滚名人殿堂。

    Elton John was inducted into the rock and Roll Hall of fame in1994 .

  21. 包括埃里克?克莱浦顿和埃尔顿?约翰。

    Including Eric Clapton and Elton John .

  22. 埃尔顿先生在一次舞会上对她的粗鲁无礼更促成了她的醒悟。

    Her recovery was aided by Mr. Elton 's rudeness to her at a ball .

  23. 加兰:而且跟埃尔顿的父母一样,为了让你能念书,她也是很辛苦地工作。

    PG : And like Elton 's parents , she worked hard for your education .

  24. 埃尔顿?约翰疾呼保护同性恋者权益!

    Elton John urges fight against homophobia !

  25. 据说,出席的嘉宾有埃尔顿?约翰,模特凯特?摩斯以及赫尔利的前男友休?格兰特。

    Guests reportedly include Elton john , model Kate Moss and hurley 's ex-boyfriend Hugh grant .

  26. 采访中,麦当娜还提到了与埃尔顿·约翰之间的恩怨后者曾在2004年指责她假唱。

    Madonna also addresses her feud with Elton John , who in2004 accused her of lip-synching .

  27. 她相信,埃尔顿先生即便还没爱上哈丽特,那他也是正在坠人情网。

    Elton 's being in the fairest way of falling in love , if not in love already .

  28. 并且该岛已被废弃。王后接受并支持所有埃尔顿将军的举动。

    Her Majesty embraces and adopts all of the actions of her loyal and noble subject , Admiral Aikton .

  29. 埃尔顿•约翰,马克•朗森,和化学兄弟纷纷签约发行奥运单曲。

    Elton John , Mark Ronson and The Chemical Brothers have all been signed up to release Olympic singles .

  30. 他们的产品与明星珍妮弗•加纳、考特尼•卡戴珊和埃尔顿•约翰的孩子们一同出镜。

    The babies of Jennifer Garner , Courtney Kardashian , and Elton John have been photographed with their products .