
yuán lín zhí wù
  • Garden plants;ornamental plant
  1. 园林植物病虫害信息管理系统

    An Information Managing System for Ornamental Plant Diseases and Pests

  2. 园林植物反季节栽植关键技术的探讨

    The key transplanting technologies of the ornamental plant in counter-season

  3. 园林植物可吸滞灰尘。

    Plants can absorb dust .

  4. 28种园林植物对大气CO2浓度增加的生理生态反应

    Ecophysiological responses of 28 species of garden plants to atmospheric CO_ ( 2 ) enrichment

  5. 园林植物竹子3维造型的Fractal方法

    3D modeling for garden bamboo by fractal

  6. 结果表明,不同的pH值的酸雨对6种园林植物新梢生长有不同程度的抑制,酸雨的酸度越大,对园林植物的伤害越大。

    Acid precipitation with different pH values inhibited , to different extents , shoot growth of all the 6 species .

  7. 北京市园林植物吸附PM(10)与SO2总量及其健康效益

    PM_ ( 10 ) and SO_2 Adsorption Attributable to Garden Plants in Beijing and Its Health Effects

  8. 本文总结了厦门园林植物园25个百合新品种的引种栽培表现,探讨栽培管理中光照、温度、土壤pH、施肥、病虫害等若干因素的影响。

    The growth performance of 25 varieties of Lily introduced and cultivated in Xiamen Botanical Garden is described and the conditions of light , temperature , water , fertilizers , pests and diseases are also discussed .

  9. 采用TTC染色法和培养基法对5种常见的园林植物的花粉生活力进行了鉴定。

    Pollen vigor of five popular garden plants were tested by means of chromatic method ( TTC ) and culture medium approach .

  10. 通过对28种园林植物在不同CO2浓度水平下的气体交换参数的观测,分析了净光合速率、气孔导度、蒸腾速率和水分利用效率等生理生态指标的变化趋势与规律。

    Based on analysis of net photosynthetic rate ( Pn ), stomatal conductance ( Gs ), transpiration rate ( Tr ) and water use efficiency ( WUE ), ecophysiological responses of 28 species of garden plants to CO_ ( 2 ) enrichment were compared .

  11. 当CO2浓度倍增(350~700μmol.mol-1)时,28种园林植物净光合速率平均提高31.2%,气孔导度降低16.5%,蒸腾速率下降11.7%,而水分利用效率则提高了49.2%。

    The average Pn and WUE increased by 31.2 % and 49.2 % , the average Gs and Tr decreased by 16.5 % and 11.7 % at doubled CO_ ( 2 ) level from 350 to 700 μ mol · mol ~ ( - 1 ) .

  12. 大丽菊(DahliapinnataCav)因花型丰富、花色多样及色彩鲜艳而极具观赏性,在园林植物栽培与鲜切花中被广泛运用。

    Dahlia ( Dahlia pinnata Cav ) possess good ornamental characteristics for abundant shapes and colors of the petal , so it is widely used for landscape plants cultivation and cut flower .

  13. 寺庙园林植物选择有其自身的特点。

    The disposition of the temple gardens has its own peculiarities .

  14. 制订了合理选择和应用园林植物的综合指标;

    Comprehensive standards are decided for selecting and developing garden plants .

  15. 厦门园林植物园珍稀濒危植物迁地保护

    Ex-site Conservation of Rare and Endangered Plants in Xiamen Botanic Garden

  16. 贵阳市园林植物真菌病害的初步调查

    Investigation on the fungal diseases in the landscape plants in Guiyang

  17. 融雪剂对城市园林植物伤害机理的研究

    Studying on How the Snow-melting Agent Injuries the Plants in City

  18. 上海园林植物常见蚜虫种类检索

    Keys to species of the aphids of garden plant in Shanghai

  19. 论生物入侵与园林植物引种

    On Relations between the BioInvasion and the Introduction of Landscape Plants

  20. 几种园林植物种子休眠与发芽生理的研究

    Studies on the seed dormancy and germination of some horticultural plants

  21. 现代城市园林植物造景特色的探讨

    Research on the Characteristic of Landscape Plants Design in Modern Urban

  22. 植物营养液在园林植物上的应用

    Applications of Plant Nutritional Elements ( SPNE ) to Garden Plants

  23. 五种木本园林植物叶片对镉污染胁迫的反应

    Responses of leaves of Five Wood Gardening Plants on Cd Stress

  24. 园林植物标本的采集制作技术与实验教学应用

    Plant sample collection of gardens and its application in experimental teaching

  25. 大气污染对35种园林植物生长的影响

    Effects of Air Pollution on the Growth of 35 Garden Plants

  26. 研究测定了21种园林植物对环境污染物重金属铅、镉的吸滞能力。

    Lead and cadmium uptake of 21 ornamental plants were determined .

  27. 厦门岛城市园林植物利用现状与发展策略

    The Current Utilization and Countermeasures of Urban Garden Plants in Xiamen Island

  28. 5种园林植物对短期大气污染的光合生理反应

    Eco-physiological Responses of Five Gardens Plant Species Exposed to Short-term Air Pollution

  29. 广州地区主要草本园林植物检索表

    The key to the main herbage landscape plants from Guangzhou

  30. 园林植物群落外貌四季变化不明显。

    Seasonal changes of landscape plant community are not obvious .