
  • 网络erzurum;Erzerum
  1. 虔诚的奖赏尚未出现的一个地区便是葛兰先生的家乡,埃尔祖鲁姆省东部的科鲁祖克(Korucuk)。

    A place where piety 's rewards have yet to appear is Mr Gulen 's home village of Korucuk , east of Erzurum .

  2. 他目前正在埃尔祖鲁姆省一所医院接受治疗。

    He is being treated at a hospital in Erzurum Province .

  3. 但是在诸如埃尔祖鲁姆等地区,对虔诚的妇女们而言,要求她们遮掩头部且举止大体保守的社会压力则是压倒一切的。

    But the social pressure for pious ladies to cover their heads , and generally behave in a conservative way , is overwhelming in places like Erzurum .