
  • 网络gathering economy;collecting economy
  1. 淮河流域新石器时代采集经济的史学观察

    Historical Observation of Gathering Economy of the Neolithic Age in the Huaihe River Valley

  2. 酿酒的起源与人类采集经济密切相关,是采集经济发展的必然结果。

    The origin of the wine-making has close relationship with the people gathering economy , and it is the certain result of the gathering economy development .

  3. 此装置中采用的Linux系统的开放性、GPRS网络的广泛性、成熟硬件的可靠性和易于维护等特性使得环境保护数据的采集经济有效。

    The Linux system 's opening , the GPRS network 's universality , the mature hardware 's reliability and easy to maintain make the environment protection data 's collection cheap and efficient .

  4. 不过,郭伯伟不许采集经济统计数据,因为他害怕这会引来政治的干预。

    Sir John , however , wouldn 't allow collection of economic statistics for fear they 'd lead to political meddling .

  5. 与渔猎经济对比,采集经济有着明显的优越性,曾长期作为社会的支柱经济而存在。

    Economic comparison of hunting and fishing , gathering has a clear superiority of a long existence as a pillar of the social economy .

  6. 汽轮机组热力试验采集与经济性分析系统

    System of Steam Turbine Thermal Test Collection and Economic Analys

  7. 海南岛史前采集渔猎经济及其技术的发展

    Development of economy and technology of prehistoric hunting for animals and fish in Hainan Island

  8. 他还指挥其它考察队到世界各地采集具有经济价值的植物。

    He directed still other expeditions to various parts of the world to collect plants of economic importance .

  9. 农业起源于没有文字记载的远古时代,它发生于原始采集狩猎经济的母体之中。

    Agricultural origins in the absence of written records of ancient times , it occurs in the original acquisition hunting economy into the mother .

  10. 以青岛沿岸采集的经济海藻为材料,对3种绿藻、10种红藻和2种褐藻进行了组织培养研究。

    Tissue culture for seed stock of marine macroalgae was studies on seaweeds materials collected from coastal areas of Qingdao . Explants of 3 species of Chlorophyta , 10 species of Rhodophyta and 2 species of Phaeophyta were induced to develop calluses and filaments .

  11. 大连海滨四个采集点常见经济软体动物种群波动

    Populations fluctuation of common economic mollusca at four collecting positions on the beaches of Dalian

  12. 讨论基于C/S生产者和消费者可以网上远程采集多种农业经济信息的实现技术,据此采用ASP。

    This article discusses the technology based on C / S when the producer and the consumer may gather many kinds of agricultural economy information on-line .

  13. 采集农村社会、经济、水资源和水环境等方面的海量数据和地理物貌,利用物元模型和GIS技术构建农村水环境经济系统数据库。

    By collecting large number of data about rural society , economy , and water resource , water environment , as well as topographic condition , this paper has the rural water environment economy system database set up , with the technique of matter-element analysis method and GIS .

  14. 北美远古的Hopewell人很可能种植了玉米和其他农作物,但打猎和采集对他们的经济贸易仍是至关重要的。

    The ancient Hopewell people of North America probably cultivated corn and other crops , but hunting and gathering were still of critical importance in their economy .

  15. 热采集输系统设备经济处理量的数学模型

    A mathematical model for determining the economical equipment capacity of thermal recovery systems

  16. 但打猎和采集对他们的经济贸易仍是至关重要的。

    But hunting and gathering were still of critical importance in their economy .

  17. 人工林伐区常用采集运作业模式经济效益评价

    Evaluation on Economic Benefits of Operation Modes of Logging Commonly Used in An Artificial Forest

  18. 数据采集系统在国民经济的诸多应用领域都有着广泛的应用,目前高速、远距离和分布式的数据采集系统是研究的热点。

    Data acquisition systems have been widely used in many application area , and research work is focus on high speed , long distance and distributed system .

  19. 通过对国内建成的几条高速公路的有关数据的采集分析,从经济、社会、环境等方面分析了高速公路可持续性的构成要素,为文章建立可持续性评价指标奠定了基础。

    The author analyses inscape of highway sustainability in the aspect of economy , society and environment by data collection of several highway in China , which is the foundation of establish sustainability evaluation index .

  20. 受气候波动及沙地的影响,红山文化时期逐渐在这一地区形成了撂荒轮作式粗放型农业为主,渔猎、采集为辅的多样化经济模式。

    Because of the influence of climate undulation and desertification , this area gradually formed diversified economic types which had principal extensive agriculture and auxiliary hunting , fishing , gathering during the period of Hongshan Culture .

  21. 对于数据采集过程中的各种压力信号,提出了适用于叶轮机械稳态特性采集的经济性方案。

    An economical scheme , which is effective for the steady data acquisition for turbomachinery , has been demonstrated forward .