
děnɡ jí zhì dù
  • see also 等级制;hierarchy
  1. 等级制度在原则上并不等同于极权主义恐怖。

    The principle of hierarchy does not equate to totalitarian terror .

  2. 社会等级制度主要是通过个人生活方式赢得的社会荣誉来确定。

    Caste is defined primarily by social honour attained through personal lifestyle

  3. 她通过地方政府的渠道在保守党的等级制度中一步步地晋升。

    She rose up the Tory hierarchy by the local government route

  4. 即便在沙漠中也存在某种社会等级制度。

    Even in the desert there was a kind of social hierarchy .

  5. 和其他多数拥有严格等级制度的美国公司一样,这里的工人和管理人员都有界定严格的职责。

    Like most other American companies with a rigid hierarchy , workers and managers had strictly defined duties

  6. 那个国家有一套严密的权力等级制度。

    There is a rigid hierarchy of power in that country .

  7. 几百年来传为定制、严守不变的一套等级制度一到这里都冰消瓦解了。

    The ordered suppressed castes of centuries wither here .

  8. 社会等级制度往往使一些人之间不能建立友谊。

    Class often prevents friendship between certain people .

  9. 自二十世纪二十年代起他每周广播,直到被罗马教廷的等级制度禁止。

    There his weekly broadcasts were aired from the1920s until he was silenced by the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic church .

  10. 数字技术让人们更容易协调活动,而不必诉诸等级制度。

    Digital technology also makes it easier for people to co-ordinate their activities without resorting to hierarchy .

  11. 在《团队的团队》一书中,斯坦利·麦克里斯托尔将军描述了军队的等级制度是如何在伊拉克战争早期阻碍军事行动的。

    In his book , " Team of Teams ' General Stanley McChrystal describes how the army 's hierarchical structure hindered its operations during the early stages of the Iraq war . "

  12. 为什么我们会有字母等级制度?

    Why do we have letter grades ?

  13. 如今,越来越多的人认为字母等级制度不能完全反映学生的学习情况。

    Today , more and more people argue that letter grades don 't fully reflect student learning .

  14. 随着欧洲大陆的等级制度被削弱,握手重新成为地位相同的人之间通用的打招呼方式,直至今日。

    Then , as the hierarchies of the continent weakened , the handshake re-emerged as a standard greeting among equals — the way it remains today .

  15. 缺席等级制度下的演化MG模型及其推广应用

    Model of Evolutionary Incomplete Minority Game and its Applications

  16. 在室友们的帮助下,Sydney要挑战校园女王并打算以此来改变学校的等级制度。

    With the help of her roommates , Sydney will challenge the campus queen in order to change the school 's social hierarchy .

  17. 更多公司也在改革自身结构,做到像谷歌(Google)、视频游戏工作室或药物实验室那样,给予许多搞技能雇员自主权,而不是让大家都工作在一个等级制度森严的环境里。

    More companies are also organising themselves like Google , video game studios or drugs laboratories , with a lot of skilled employees being given autonomy rather than everyone working in a strict hierarchy .

  18. 韩国蔚山科学技术大学(UlsanNationalInstituteofScienceandTechnology)教授、曾经在现代担任高级汽车设计师的ChungYeon-woo表示:等级制度和习惯是韩国企业界非常重要的组成部分。

    Hierarchy and habit are very important parts of Korean corporate life , says Chung Yeon-woo , a professor at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology who was previously a senior car designer at Hyundai .

  19. 闵是韩国排在第14位的企业集团希杰集团(CJCorporation)执行副总裁。她表示,韩国的等级制度有时候会导致滥用职权,或以增加利润和取悦上司为借口的不良行为。

    As an executive vice president for CJ Corporation , the 14th-largest Korean conglomerate , Min says that the country 's hierarchal system can sometimes lead to abuses of power or bad behavior in the name of expanding profits and pleasing higher-ups .

  20. 我和鲁宾不曾相识,但我接触过其他很多CEO和领导者。他们身上普遍具备的谦卑品质给我留下了极深的印象,尤其是亚洲以外地区的领导。亚洲的等级制度相对森严,由来已久,根深蒂固。

    I don 't know Rubin , but I have dealt with a lot of CEOs and other organizational leaders , and it strikes me that humility is not an uncommon trait , especially outside of Asian societies which tend to have deeply-rooted , weighty hierarchical traditions .

  21. 但在这样的等级制度下,代理的崩溃及主机的移动可能导致消息的丢失或错失,从而造成本文协议的失效,为了解决这个问题,本文在HRH协议中引入了切换机制。

    However , adding such a hierarchy is not trivial . The messages may be lost or missed due to proxy failures or host movements which may make the HRH protocol invalid .

  22. JuliaNeily:“这里的一个关键因素就是消除手术室中的等级制度,这样的话,每一个人,擦洗人员,护士,外科医生,麻醉师,手术室中的每一个人都能够为病人着想。”

    JULIA NEILY : " One of the key elements here was flattening the hierarchy in the operating room so that everybody , the scrub tech , the nurse , the surgeon , the anesthesiologist , whomever it is in the operating room could bring up any concerns they had about the patient . "

  23. 古代中国是家&国一体的社会结构,宗法等级制度与国家政治等级制度是一致的。

    Ancient China 's social structure is unified clan - state .

  24. 普遍而言,在北亚地区,等级制度仍很严重。

    In North Asia , generally , hierarchy is still strong .

  25. 他们社会的等级制度十分森严。

    There 's a very rigid social hierarchy in their society .

  26. 在许多社会中都存在身份和权力的等级制度。

    In many societies there is hierarchy of status and power .

  27. 更大的障碍在于,等级制度总是能压过闲言碎语。

    An even bigger obstacle is that hierarchy trumps tittle-tattle every time .

  28. 大学学科等级制度的建构逻辑

    The constructing logic of the grade institution of university discipline

  29. 新闻集团缺乏等级制度较规范公司的秩序和可预见性。

    News Corp lacks the order and predictability of more bureaucratic companies .

  30. 少数民族传统体育运动员技术等级制度建设研究

    Research on the Establishment of Technical Hierarchy for National Traditional Minority Athletes