
  • 网络healthy personality;Sound personality;Perfect personality
  1. 青年学生的人格障碍与健全人格的塑造

    The Personality Barrier of Young Students and the Building of Sound Personality

  2. 社团工作与大学生健全人格的培养

    Student Societies and the Cultivation of Students ' Sound Personality

  3. 第二部分,着重阐述人格与健全人格的内涵。

    Is second and partial , elaborate personality and completeness emphatically .

  4. 社团工作对大学生健全人格的培养具有重要意义。

    Students ' societies are of great significance in this task .

  5. 蔡元培健全人格教育思想浅析

    An analysis of Cai Yuanpei 's educational theory of perfect personality

  6. 高校体育教育与塑造当代大学生的健全人格

    Physical Education in University and Developing Modern Students ' Healthy Personality

  7. 一是健全人格与五育并举。

    First , the " perfect personality " and education simultaneously .

  8. 早期干预对独生子女健全人格发展的对照研究

    Early Intervention on Psychosocial Development of Children in Single Child Family

  9. 重视诗文鉴赏对大学生健全人格的作用

    The Role of Poetry Appreciation on University Students ' Healthy Personality

  10. 工科化学教学与健全人格的培养

    Teaching of general chemistry and the training of right personality

  11. 先秦儒家理想人格思想与当代大学生健全人格的塑造

    Pre-qin Confucianist Ideal Personality Thought and Contemporary University Students Sound Personality Molding

  12. 对文化专制的反思和对健全人格、文化良知的讴歌;

    Culture reflecting cultural dictatorship and eulogizing health personality and cultural conscience ;

  13. 论社会化与大学生健全人格的发展

    The Socialization of College Students and Development of Right Personality

  14. 儒家荣辱思想及对健全人格的价值

    Confucian Idea of Honor and Disgrace and its Significance to Healthy Personality

  15. 思想品德课与青少年健全人格的塑造

    Ideological and Moral Class and the Shaping of Youngsters ' Sound Personality

  16. 语文课程具有言语性和人文性的特点,注重在言语学习过程中发展学生健全人格。

    Speech and humanity are the nucleus characters of Chinese , too .

  17. 缺乏健全人格,社会适应能力不强。

    Lacks the perfect personality , the society adaptiveness is not strong .

  18. 目的通过幼儿期健全人格的培养,提高儿童的心理素质。

    Objective To improve mental diathesis through training healthy personality in infancy .

  19. 人力资源管理中健全人格的塑造

    To Create Perfect Personality in the Management of Human Resources

  20. 大学生健全人格特征的内隐观研究

    A Study on Undergraduates ' Implicit View of Sound Personality

  21. 青少年特质焦虑与健全人格的培养

    Youngsters ' Trait Anxiety and the Foster of Perfect Personality

  22. 教育的一个重要目标和任务是要通过教育的手段、方式和途径培养、塑造学生的健全人格。

    It is an important task to cultivate students ' perfect personality .

  23. 以健全人格为中心的心理教育。

    Regarding sound personality as the central mental state education .

  24. 学生健全人格养成教育的心理学观点

    Nurturance and Education of Students ' Healthy Personality : A Psychological Perspective

  25. 君子人格与当代大学生健全人格的养成

    Gentleman personality and contemporary university student perfect personality fostering

  26. 因此,为人父母者,必须尽快顺应时代发展要求,尊重儿童成长规律,创造良好家庭环境,塑造儿童健全人格。

    They should create good family environment to shape the child healthy character .

  27. 健全人格的最简单的定义就是人格的正常和谐的发展。

    Healthy personality refers to the normal and harmonious development of personality basically .

  28. 青少年健全人格的形成离不开人格教育。

    Teenagers ' healthy personality benefits from personality education .

  29. 这对中小学生健全人格的培养造成不利影响。

    It is unfavorable to the development of the students ' sound personalities .

  30. 论教师健全人格的必要性

    On the Necessity of Teachers ' Possessing Sound Personality