
  • 网络collective unconscious;Collective unconsciousness
  1. 神与精神世界确实“只不过”是我们内在的集体潜意识。

    The world of gods and spirits is truly'nothing but'the collective unconscious inside me .

  2. 诺文:原理是当他们一起敲打针灸模型,可以和集体潜意识连接起来。

    Debbi rodman : the idea is together they can tap into the collective unconscious .

  3. 因为,地域文化首先作为一种集体潜意识形态而存在。

    Because geographical culture is a form of group unconsciousness firstly .

  4. 本文将从集体潜意识的角度做一论述。

    This article will discuss it from the perspective of the collective subconscious .

  5. 在中国进行性教育,是受儒家文化传统的现实影响和由儒家文化所形成的集体潜意识影响的。

    Sex education has been influenced by the Confucianist cultural tradition and its collective subconscious .

  6. 和谐哲学作为中国人的思维方式,成为整个中华民族的集体潜意识。

    As Chinese traditional thinking manner , harmonious philosophy gradually becomes so-called ' collective subconsciousness ' .

  7. 集体潜意识问题如果不被确认为如此,就总会显现为个人问题。

    A collective problem , if not recognized as such , always appears as a personal problem .

  8. 中国地域文化:作为集体潜意识系统

    Chinese regional cultures as a collective-subconscious system & Application of the covert cultural theory in Chinese regional cultural study

  9. 集体潜意识:地域文化研究新层面&论隐型文化理论在中国地域文化研究中的改造性应用

    Group unconsciousness : new stage of geographical culture research & The creative use of covert culture theory in Chinese geographical culture research

  10. 由儒家文化形成的集体潜意识,主要通过价值观、情感、思维方式、语言、人格来起作用。

    The Confucianist collective subconscious functions by way of ideas of value , feelings , the way of thinking , language and personalities .

  11. 该文引述了精神分析学派关于潜意识研究的一些理论成果:潜意识、集体潜意识和社会潜意识,并尝试将它们理解为一种广告诉求方式而作用于广告活动中。

    Theories of Psychoanalytic School about subconsciousness , collective subconsciousness and social subconsciousness are cited in this paper and advertising are designed to appeal to them .

  12. 而在这种乡思乡愁的背后,则是集体潜意识,乡愁意识、女性意识、生态意识在驱动。

    However , behind the homesickness are emotions driven by the collective sub - consciousness , the nostalgia consciousness , the feminine consciousness , and the ecological consciousness .

  13. 儒家的文化传统从价值观、规范、习俗等方面直影响性教育,而集体潜意识则从不自觉的角度影响性教育的进行。

    The Confucianist culture tradition affects sex education directly in its ideas of value , in standard , in custom and so on . But the Confucianist collective subconscious influences sex education involuntarily .

  14. 西方心理学家容格也说,每一个人如果要获得生命的完整,或要取得更巨大的能量,就得让心识通向集体潜意识。

    The psychologist Jung said that for everyone to possess a complete life or to acquire an even greater energy , they ultimately must let their mind be immersed in the collective unconscious .

  15. 荣格是瑞士心理学家,他的心理学被称为分析心理学,其最显著的贡献是集体潜意识和原型理论,而在众多的原型中人格面具和阴影占据了重要的位置。

    Carl Gustav Jung is a Swiss psychiatrist whose study is called analytical psychology . His celebrated contributions are the collective unconscious and archetypes . Among numerous archetypes persona and shadow play extraordinary roles .

  16. 他提出心理结构整体论的方法,尤其是引入集体潜意识和原型等概念,对心理学、宗教、文学、艺术等领域都产生了深远影响。

    He proposed the approach of overall psychological structure , especially introduced the concepts of collective consciousness and archetype , which had important far-reaching influences on psychology , religion , literature and other fields .

  17. 在最近的这一世,人类的集体潜意识决定一起回来,接下来是治愈、净化、重新平衡正进行中的过程。

    And so , in the last cycle of time , Human Consciousness as a Collective made that decision to return together , and so a process of healing and cleansing and re-balancing was under way .

  18. 因为人类毕竟拥有共同的命运和共同的集体潜意识(荣格语)。在解读梦的基础上,试图将梦在医学尤其是中医学领域的理论和实践加以归类整理。

    Because of human being owns common destiny and the common " collective after all " ( Jungian ) . On the basis understanding and explaining a dream , try a dream to be arranged in medical science especially traditional Chinese medical science field theory and practice give grouping .

  19. 因此经典已成为一个人或一个集体的潜意识,深藏在记忆之中。

    Classical literature becomes a subconscious memory of an individual or a social group .

  20. 人们享有集体的潜意识,表现为原始型的,包括神话学、出现在梦里的迹象和模式。

    Jung believed that people share a collective unconscious , appearing as archetypes , including mythology , and symbols and patterns that appear in dreams .