
niè ɡǔ
  • temple bone;temporal
颞骨 [niè gǔ]
  • [temporal bone] 人类颅骨侧面的一块复合骨,它的四个主要部分是鳞部、岩部、鼓部和乳突

  1. 颞骨振动器是利用声音-交变电磁场-机械振动的转换,由颞骨的振动引起听觉。

    Temple vibrator utilize the transformation of sound-electromagnetic field - mechanical vibration , vibrate the temple bone to induce the hearing sensory .

  2. 耳后C型切口入路适用于颞骨肿瘤;

    The opisthotic C incision approach apply to resection of temporal tumors .

  3. 儿童颞骨正常变异的CT影像分析

    CT analysis of normal variations of the temproal bone in children

  4. 多层螺旋CT曲面重建显示颞骨内面神经管的临床应用价值

    Application of MSCT in the Temporal Segment of Facial Nerve Canal

  5. 颞骨高分辨率CT各向同性的研究

    The study of isotropy in temporal bone high resolution CT

  6. 儿童先天性耳聋的颞骨高分辨CT研究

    High Resolution CT Study of Congenital Hearing Loss in Children

  7. 颞骨岩部螺旋CT的后处理功能

    Postprocessing sprial CT images in petrous part of temporal bones

  8. 颞骨的高分辨CT解剖及临床应用

    High Resolution CT Anatomy of the Temporal Bone and Its Clinical Application

  9. CT诊断易被漏诊的颞骨茎突骨折

    CT Diagnosis of Easily Missed Temporal Styloid Process Fracture

  10. 作者对7例反复发作眩晕伴听力下降和耳鸣的患儿进行详细检查发现,其颞骨CT均显示出前庭导水管扩大,说明该征候群也可因先天性耳畸形所致。

    Cases with fluctuating hearing loss and vertigo received temporal bone CT scan .

  11. 颞骨骨折52例的高分辨率CT诊断

    High resolution CT in the diagnosis of 52 cases with temporal bone fracture

  12. 高分辨CT三维容积重建对颞骨骨质破坏的诊断价值

    Diagnosis of temporal bone destruction by volume rendering three-dimensional reconstruction using high-resolution CT

  13. 面神经鞘膜瘤的颞骨薄层CT诊断

    Slice CT Diagnosis of Facial Neuroma in Temporal Bone

  14. 颞骨CT检查和仔细询问病史在诊断外耳道胆脂瘤侵犯中耳乳突中十分重要。

    CT of temporal bone and detailed history is necessary to the diagnosis .

  15. 颞骨岩锥先天性胆脂瘤的CT和MRI表现

    CT and MRI Findings of Congenital Cholesteatoma of Petrous Bone

  16. 鼻窦和颞骨成骨细胞瘤CT和MRI诊断

    CT and MRI diagnosis of osteoblastoma in paranasal sinus and temporal bone

  17. 23例颞骨CT或MRI未见异常。

    23 had normal temporal bone CT image or MRI .

  18. 圆窗区颞骨切片和CT对照观察

    Round window area temporal bone section versus CT

  19. 慢性中耳乳突炎颞骨冠状和轴位CT影像观察及意义

    The Coronal and Axial CT Scans of the Temporal Bone in Chronic Otitis Media

  20. 颞骨高分辨率CT在55例中耳疾病中的临床应用

    Clinical application of high resolution CT in diagnosis and treatment of middle ear diseases

  21. CT三维重建技术在颞骨撞击伤诊断中的应用

    Clinical application of spiral CT three-dimensional reconstruction technique on the temporal bone impact injury

  22. 先天性耳畸形和正常颞骨的螺旋CT三维成像分析

    Analysis of 3D spiral CT of normal and congenital malformations of the external and middle ear

  23. 颞骨鼓部发育不良所致外耳道畸形的CT分析

    CT Analysis of External Auditory Canal Deformity due to Dysplasia of Tympanic Part of Temporal Bone

  24. 颞骨CT影像检查技术

    CT imaging technique in temporal bone

  25. 高分辨率CT对颞骨外伤性面瘫的诊断价值

    The diagnostic value of high resolution CT in assessment of temporal bone traumatic facial nerve paralysis

  26. 脉冲CO2激光的离体猪颞骨组织消融

    In Vitro Ablation of Temporal Bone Tissue of Porcine with Pulsed CO_2 Laser

  27. 国人颞骨内鼓乳段面神经的MR斜矢状位影像解剖学研究

    Study on anatomy of tympanic and mastoid segment of facial nerve temporal bone with oblique sagittal MR scanning

  28. 高分辩率CT在颞骨骨折及其并发症诊治中的临床价值

    The Clinical Value of High Resolution CT Scan in Diagnosis of Temporal Bone Fractures and Their Complications

  29. 面神经颞骨内段在横断薄层和CT上的定位及临床意义

    Thin sectional anatomy and the CT location on the internal part of facial nerve in temporal bone

  30. 颞骨CT扫描示病变主要集中在上鼓室和鼓窦,4例病变充满乳突气房及鼓室、鼓窦。

    The pathologic changes in the epitympanum and mastoid antrum were evident on temporal bones CT scan .