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  • 网络Temporal muscle;Temporalis muscle
  1. 做开闭口运动的颞肌、嚼肌肌电幅值分别为(0.5±0.12)mV和(0.22±0.07)mV,颞肌肌电幅值高于嚼肌肌电幅值。

    Open and close mouth , The average voltage of temporalis and masseter were ( 0.5 ± 0.12 ) mV and ( 0.22 ± 0.07 ) mV , voltage of the temporalis was higher than masseter .

  2. 目的探讨攻击人格特质对颞肌活动外感受抑制的影响。

    Objective To explore the influences of personality trait aggression upon the exleroceptive suppression of temporalis muscle activity .

  3. 结果:A组、B组和C组颞肌和咬肌未见异常。

    Results : No abnormal changes were observed in Group A , B and C.

  4. 目的比较改良的颞肌移位术和传统Johnson颞肌移位术矫治麻痹性睑闭合不全的远期疗效和并发症。

    Objective To compare the long-term results and possible complications of a modified temporalis muscle transfer ( TMT ) with the Johnson 's procedure in correction of paralytic lagophthalmos .

  5. 用Gillies颞肌移位术及其Johnson氏改良法,矫治21例麻风患者的30只兔眼,受治者中男18例,女3例,年龄33~54岁;

    Thirty lagophthalmos in 21 leprosy patients have been corrected with Gillies temporal muscle transposition and the method modified by Johnson .

  6. 颞肌的中部(C、D区)厚度均匀,位置与大脑皮层的功能区相一致,可作为肌瓣与大脑表面贴合。

    The median part ( C and D areas ) of the temporal muscle was even in thickness and its situation just corresponded with the functional areas of cerebral cortex , It could be taken as the musoular flap to close with the cerebral surface .

  7. 材料和方法:与颞肌密度对比,目测100例正常大脑镰和50例纵裂池出血的密度,并测量其各段CT值。

    Materials and Methods : To estimate visually the density of 100 cases with normal cerebral falx and 50 cases of that with IFH , and to measure CT value of each segment respectively , comparing them with the density of temporal muscle .

  8. 颞肌瓣带蒂移植瘤腔后静点VM26治疗脑胶质瘤的临床研究

    Clinical study on VM26 chemotherapy with temporal muscle transplantation to tumor bed of glioma

  9. 功能矫形前伸青春期大鼠下颌对翼外肌及颞肌后份Na~+/K~+-ATPase功能状态的影响

    Effect of Functional Appliance on the Activity of Na ~ + / K ~ + - ATPase and the Expression of Its α Subunits in Lateral Pterygoid Muscle and Posterior Portions of Temporalis of Juvenile Rats

  10. 在健康人,颞肌的或咬肌的ES1和ES2已被充分研究。

    An early ( ES1 ) and a late ( ES2 ) exteroceptive suppressions of the temporalis of masseter muscle have been extensively studied in healthy volunteers .

  11. 7例既有前颅底骨质破坏,又有硬脑膜缺损且直径在2.5cm以上者,以带蒂额肌骨膜瓣、帽状腱膜额骨膜瓣或带蒂颞肌筋膜骨膜瓣修复。

    Other 7 cases with defects , diameter more than 2.5 cm , on both the skull base and duramater were covered with frontalis muscle flap or temporalis fascia flap .

  12. 颞肌血管分布及其外科应用研究

    The vascular network in human temporalis muscle and its surgical application

  13. D组颞肌和咬肌肌纤维的电子密度规律性分布较差。

    In Group D , muscular fiber presented irregular electron densities .

  14. 人颞肌和咬肌肌梭分布的体视学研究

    Stereology Investigation of Muscle Spindles in Human Masseter and Temporalis Muscle

  15. 带蒂颞肌筋膜瓣修补硬脑膜缺损

    Repair of impaired dura mater with the pedicled temporalis fascial flap

  16. 颞肌筋膜瓣口腔愈合的临床及组织学研究

    The healing process of the temporalis myofascial flap in oral reconstruction

  17. 颞肌移位术矫治兔眼的近期疗效和并发症

    Efficacy and Complications of Temporal Muscle Transposition for Lagophthalmos in Leprosy

  18. 颞肌神经支配的研究及临床应用颞肌神经支配的研究及临床应用

    A study of innervation of musculus temporalis and its clinical application

  19. 主要观察指标:①颞肌形态。

    MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES : ① Morphology of temporal muscle ;

  20. 颞肌前束的肌电图变化及微机分析

    Electromyographic Changes of Anterior Bundle of Temporalis M.with Computer Analysis

  21. 带肌肉颞肌筋膜修复羟基磷灰石义眼台植入术后暴露

    Treatment of exposed hydroxyapatite implants with temporalis fascia and temporalis

  22. 结论:个别后牙移动可以导致咬肌和颞肌痛觉敏感。

    CONCLUSION : Individual tooth movement may lead to masticatory muscles hyperalgesia .

  23. 改良颞肌移位术对麻风性兔眼的疗效

    Effect of a Modified Temporal Muscle Transposition on Leprous Lagophthalmos

  24. 内窥镜下颞肌筋膜修补鼓膜穿孔的疗效观察

    Clinical study on myringoplasty with fascia temporal muscle under endoscope

  25. 颞肌移位治疗麻风兔眼的疗效

    Effect of the Temporal Muscle Transposition on Lagophthalmos in Leprosy

  26. 颞肌筋膜瓣即刻修复上颌骨缺损

    Immediate Reconstruction of Maxillectomy Defects Using Temporalis Myofascial Flap

  27. 眼眶内容剜除后颞肌移位充填的应用解剖学

    Applied Anatomy of Transposition of the Temporal Muscle Following Evisceration of the Orbit

  28. 断桥式乳突根治术中用带蒂颞肌骨片重建外耳道后壁

    Primary posterior canal reconstruction with a pedicle temporalis musculo-osseous flap in open tympanoplasty

  29. 颞肌引流术治疗慢性硬脑膜下血肿

    Treatment of Chronic Subdural Hematoma by Temporal Muscle Drainage

  30. 为明确颞肌的精细解剖而设计了此次实验。

    This experiment is designed to clarify the precise anatomy of temporal muscle .