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  • zygomatic arch;zygoma
颧弓[quán gōng]
  1. 结果:锤骨头的位置相对恒定,其与颧弓根后点和棘孔后唇距离分别为(19.44±1.48)mm和(17.74±1.32)mm。

    Resluts : The distance from the head of the malleus to the root of the zygoma and the posterior lip of the foramen spinosum was ( 19.44 ± 1.48 ) mm and ( 17.74 ± 1.32 ) mm respectively .

  2. 颧骨、颧弓缩小整复术的临床研究

    Clinical study of reduction plasty of mala and zygoma

  3. C臂机数字减影下微型钛螺纹钉外固定器治疗颧弓骨折的临床研究

    Clinical study on treatment of zygomatic arch fractures using external fixing instrument under CR

  4. 比较三维重建CT与普通X线片在诊断颧骨颧弓复合体骨折中的差异。

    The three dimensional reconstructive CT was compared to the common X-ray pictures .

  5. 三维重建CT在颧骨颧弓复合体骨折中的应用

    The appliance of three dimensional reconstructive CT in the fracture of malar bone and malar arch-complex

  6. 目的总结颧骨、颧弓肥大的治疗体会,三维CT的临床应用及诊断标准。

    Objective We explore the value of three-dimensional CT scan and the diagnostic criteria for prominent malar complex .

  7. V形复位器治疗颧弓内陷骨折病人的护理

    Nursing care of patients with invagination fracture of zygomatic arch treated with V-shape reposition

  8. 结论:三维重建CT在颧骨颧弓复合体骨折的诊断及治疗中具有重要价值。

    Conclusion : Three dimensional reconstructive CT has great value in the fracture of malar bone and malar arch-complex .

  9. 通过应用数字化技术,利用三维的CT数据合成了较为清晰的二维颧弓位X线影像。

    Through the application of digital technology , the use of three-dimensional CT data synthesis clear two-dimensional submentovertex radiographs image .

  10. 方法对26例颌面部外伤疑有颧骨、颧弓骨折患者进行螺旋CT薄层扫描和三维重建成像,并对结果进行分析。

    ( Methods ) 26 patients with zygomatic bone and zygomatic arch fractures were examined with thin_slice CT scan and 3D reconstruction .

  11. 结论螺旋CT三维成像对于颧骨、颧弓骨折具有重要临床诊断及应用价值。

    Conclusion 3D helical CT imaging can provide valuable information in demonstrating the space relationship of zygomatic bone and zygomatic arch fractures .

  12. 方法参照Knight和North分类方法,对130例颧骨颧弓骨折病例进行分类。

    Methods 130 cases with zygomatic fracture were classified according to the Knight and North classification .

  13. 方法:收集2000年1月~2005年11月颧骨颧弓复合体骨折病例44例,通过三维重建CT对骨折进行诊断,并采取相应治疗措施。

    Method : 44 cases with fractures of malar bone and malar arch-complex were collected from January 2000 to November 2005 . Three dimensional reconstructive CT was used to make diagnosis and appropriate therapy methods were underwent based on the diagnosis .

  14. 在颧弓表面前行者23支(占8.0%),越颧弓下缘处距颧弓后端(2.47±0.81)cm;

    23 ( 8.0 % ) branches advanced on the superficial part of the zygomatic arch and on the inferior border of the arch there was a distance of 2.47 ± 0.81 cm toward its posterior parts ;

  15. 结果:100侧标本中,①颞支共192支,均跨越颧弓,在颧弓上缘处,距颧弓后端(1.04±0.34)cm。

    Results : ① 192 temporal branches found in the 100 sides all crossed the zygomatic arch and on the superior border of the zygomatic arch , the distance was about 1.04 ± 0.34 cm toward its posterior end .

  16. 结果:Jacob病是指下颌骨喙突增大并在颧弓内侧形成假关节的一种疾病,好发于13-62岁,平均26岁。

    Results : Joint formation between a and of the coronoid process and zygomatic arch had been called as Jacob 's disease . The average age was 26 years ( 13-62 ) .

  17. 在颧弓下方前行者131支(占45.8%),出腮腺处与颧弓下缘间的垂直距离为(0.69±0.20)cm。

    The remained 131 ( 45.8 % ) branches went ahead under the zygomatic arch and the vertical distance between the point where they pass through the parotid gland and the inferior border of the zygomatic arch was about 0.69 ± 0.20 cm .

  18. 在腮腺上缘及颧弓上缘处面神经颞支的最后1支距耳屏尖的距离分别为(23.79±0.27)mm和(30.67±0.37)mm。

    At the upper - edge of parotid gland and zygomatic arch , the straight distances from the top of screen of ear to the most posterior temporal branches are ( 23 . 79 ± 0.27 ) mm and ( 30.67 ± 0.37 ) mm .

  19. 目的利用额颞眶颧弓(FTOZ)开颅,结合深部骨切除对基底动脉及岩骨斜坡区的显露进行研究。

    Objective To study the exposure of basilar artery and petroclival region by frontotemporal orbitozygomatic ( FTOZ ) craniotomy and combined with deep osteotomies .

  20. 侧入法:颧弓中点下缘至卵圆孔前外侧缘的距离,男性左侧为40.4±0.4mm,右侧为40.9±0.4mm。

    Lateral approach method : the distance from the midpoint of inferior border of zygomatic arch to lateral border of foramen ovale was 40.4 ± 0.4 mm in the left , 40.9 ± 0.4mm in the rights for males ;

  21. 使用Mayfield三钉头架固定尸头,头位向对侧旋转60度,使颧弓水平位,后仰15度,向对侧侧屈15度以补偿中颅窝底向上的倾斜度。

    Head position rotated 60 degrees to the opposite side , so that the level of the zygomatic arch remain horizontal position , reclined 15 degrees to the contralateral lateral flexion of 15 degrees to compensate for the middle cranial fossa-up tilt .

  22. 与保留颧弓相比,离断颧弓后的骨窗下缘至颞底可缩短15mm左右的距离,与干标本测量颧弓宽度的数据14.76mm相当。

    The distance from the inferior border of the bone window to the temporal base was shortened about 15 mm with the zygomatic bone broken , which was correspondent with the width of the zygomatic arch ( 14.76mm ) measured from the dry samples .

  23. 结果颧弓是暴露中颅底和颞下窝的关键,颧弓长度和下颌关节窝宽度分别为32.9±2.6mm和15.5±1.3mm;

    Results Zygomatic arch was an anatomical key for medial skull base and infratemporal fossa exposure . The length of the zygomatic arch and the width of the mandibular fossa were 32.9 ± 2.6 mm and 15.5 ± 1.3 mm respectively .

  24. 20例颧骨颧弓骨折的临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of 20 Patients with Malar and Zygomatic Arch Fracture

  25. 上、下颌骨、颧骨、颧弓多发性骨折内固定术式的探讨

    Research on Rigid Internal Fixation of Zygomaticomaxillary Complex and Mandibular Fracture

  26. 经眶额颧弓入路切除颅底肿瘤

    Orbito-zygomatic approach for removal of tumors of the skull base

  27. 颧骨颧弓骨折36例手术复位和固定方法的临床分析

    Clinical analysis of reduction and fixation methods of zygomatic fracture

  28. 颧弓根部骨折的分型和治疗探讨

    Study on classification and treatment of fracture of roots of zygomatic arch

  29. 兔颧弓骨折骨缺损植骨临界值的确定

    Determination of a critical size defect in zygomatic arch fractures of rabbits

  30. 下颌骨及颧弓测量相关分析在美容医学中的应用

    Application of mandible and zygomatic arch measurement and related analysis in medical aesthetics