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  • 网络Ethmoid sinus;ethmoidal sinus
  1. 结果:早期CIFRS鼻窦CT表现为:14例(77.8%)为单窦病变,多见于上颌窦,其次是蝶窦、筛窦;

    Result : On sinus CT scan of chronic invasive fungal rhinosinusitis in early stage , 78 % ( 14 / 18 ) were single-sinus lesioned . The maxillary sinus was the most commonly lesioned sinus , followed by the sphenoid sinus and ethmoid sinus .

  2. 鼻内窥镜鼻窦手术中病变鼻甲的处理对筛窦术腔的影响

    Effect of Diseased Middle Turbinate Management on Ethmoid Sinus Cavity

  3. 前组筛窦相关解剖变异的CT影像学观察及临床意义

    Significance of CT imaging for anterior ethmoid sinus variations

  4. CT扫描显示额窦、筛窦向眶顶气化结果与解剖观察一致。

    The result of CT scanning coincided with the result of anatomical observation .

  5. 蝶窦和筛窦关系的螺旋CT观察

    Observation relationship of ethmoid cell and sphenoid sinus with use of spiral CT

  6. 筛窦纸板凹陷骨折与正常凹陷的多排螺旋CT对比

    Comparative Analysis of Multi-Slice Spiral CT Signs between Ethmoidal-lamina Papyracea Introcession Fracture and Normal Introcession

  7. 多层螺旋CT对后组筛窦的观察及临床意义

    The Observation and Clinical Significance of Multi-slice Spiral CT of after the Group 's the Sinus

  8. 螺旋CT三维重建评价筛窦解剖变异及临床意义

    Evaluation of Ethmoid Sinus Variations by Spiral CT Three - Dimensional Reconstruction and its Clinical Significance

  9. 筛窦开放后中鼻甲外移开窗的临床及CT观察

    Clinical observation and anatomical analysis of middle turbinate and ethmoidal internal wall moved to external side after microsurgery

  10. 目的探讨经下睑睫毛缘下皮肤切口于鼻内窥镜下经筛窦联合入路行羟基磷灰石(HA)复合体整复眶爆裂性骨折的临床效果。

    Objective To study the clinical effect of orbit blowout fracture reconstruction through nasal endoscope .

  11. CT显示20例一侧上颌窦均受累,5例同侧筛窦亦被侵犯。

    The unilateral maxillary sinuses of all cases were involved on CT scans , with the ipsilateral ethmoid sinuses invaded in 5 individuals .

  12. 表明CT扫描能充分显示前筛窦气房的气化变异及其邻近结构的影像学特征。

    The result shows that CT can display the sub-group and the type of the anterior ethmoid sinus and its adjacent structures clearly .

  13. CT和/或MRI发现13例单侧、1例双侧蝶窦炎,3例同侧后组筛窦炎。

    CT and / or MRI revealed isolated sphenoiditis ( 11 cases ) and sphenoiditis with posterior ethmoiditis ( 3 cases ) .

  14. 伴发不同程度的鼻副窦炎症占眼眶炎性假瘤的37.9%(22/58),CT显示上颌窦和/或筛窦炎症改变。

    There were in different degree of paranasal sinusitis such as maxillary sinusitis and / or ethmoid sinusitis in 22 cases ( 37.9 % ) .

  15. 视神经管纵轴与蝶筛窦的毗邻关系在CT图像上分为三型,视神经管横轴对蝶筛窦的压迫关系分为四型,并统计出各型的分布情况。

    The longitudinal relationships of optic canals to sphenoid and ethmoid sinuses were classified as three types , and their axial relationships were done as four types .

  16. 经前颅凹颅内外联合入路额、筛窦泛眶切除术后颅凹占位性病变CT影像学探讨

    Massive Resection of Frontal and Ethmoid Sinuses through a Combined Intra-extracranial Approach via Anterior Cranial Fossa Computed Tomographic Diagnosis of Space Occupying disease in the Posterior Cranial Fossa

  17. 结果Cox模型筛选的影响分期因素有筛窦、眼眶、颅底、病理类型、肿瘤控制5个因素,用聚类法得分类树状图,结合临床经验,产生鼻腔恶性肿瘤新的临床分期。

    Results Cox model showed that the affecting factors : ethmoid antrum , eyepit , base of skull , pathology , tumour control .

  18. 其CT主要表现为鼻腔上部软组织肿块影,易侵及筛窦、上颌窦甚至眼眶和颅内脑组织,同时伴有侵及部位的骨质破坏。

    CT findings included soft tissue mass shadows in upper nasal cavity , usually involving of the ethmoidal sinus , maxillary sinus , orbit and intracranial tissues , and the destruction of bone in the involved regions .

  19. 中鼻甲保留组和中鼻甲切除组中隔鼻甲出现率分别为13.3%和58.3%,筛窦术腔闭塞率分别为18.3%和51.7%(P<0.01)。

    The proportions of the septal formation and the closure of ethmoid sinus cavity in the groups with middle turbinates reserved and resected were 13.3 % , 18.3 % and 58.3 % , 51.7 % , respectively ( P < 0.01 ) .

  20. 颅脑磁共振成像(MRI)钆强化扫描显示:小脑幕及右颞后、枕、顶硬脑膜增厚并明显强化,小脑幕强化更显著;双上颌窦、筛窦、额窦炎症。

    Brain magnetic resonance imaging ( MR I ) gadolinium enhanced scans show : the tentorium and right posterior temporal , occipital , partial dura were significantly strengthened with more significantly enhanced tentorium and pair of maxillary , ethmoid , frontal sinus inflammation .

  21. 目的观察评价慢性鼻窦炎(CRS)筛窦骨质的病理变化特点和病变规律。

    Objective To investigate the histopathologic study of the ethmoid bone in chronic sinusitis ( CRS ) and the role of bone pathology in the pathogenesis of CRS .

  22. 结果:CT扫描发现视神经管骨折15例,视神经周围血肿3例,同侧蝶窦积血11例,同侧筛窦积血18例,视神经肿胀8例。

    Result : CT scans demonstrated that 15 cases with fractures of optic canal , 3 cases with hematomas around the nervus opticuses , 11 cases with hematocele of ipsolateral sphenoidal sinus , 18 cases with hematocele of ipsolateral ethmoidal sinus and 8 cases with optic swelling .

  23. 方法:在40例慢性鼻窦炎患者FESS中,对病变中鼻甲适当处理,并术后观察中鼻甲、筛窦术腔及上颌窦口开放情况。

    Method : 40 cases who had sinusitis and / or nasal polyps were treated cavity and patency of the maxillary sinus ostium were observed postoperatively .

  24. 蝶腭孔与后组筛窦、上颌窦、蝶窦等鼻窦的相邻骨壁间的距离分别为(2.39±1.37)mm、(3.50±1.20)mm及(3.03±1.60)mm。

    The distances between the sphenopalatine foramen and the adjacent skeletal walls of posterior ethmoid labyrinths , maxillary sinus , sphenoid sinus were ( 2.39 ± 1.37 ) mm ,( 3.50 ± 1.20 ) mm and ( 3.03 ± 1.60 ) mm , respectively .

  25. 第10天行鼻窦CT扫描后将兔处死,分别取右上颌窦、筛窦窦腔分泌物行细菌培养,并将右上颌窦、筛窦完整取出,全组织包埋行组织病理学检查。

    At the 10th day after insertion , the sinuses were examined by computed tomography scans and then all rabbits were sacrificed to obtain the secretions from the right-side maxillary and ethmoidal sinuses for culture , followed by the block remove of the right sinuses for whole-mount histological analyses .

  26. 结论:ESS加Caldwell-Luc术式可彻底清除颌筛窦内病灶,通畅各窦口引流,更好地恢复鼻腔、鼻窦功能。

    Conclusions : The approach of endoscopic plus Caldwell-Luc sinus surgery can remove the focus completely , clear the drainage thoroughly and resume the functions of nose and sinuses better .

  27. 结果:额、筛、蝶窦位置是相互延续的,其间以薄板分界,额窦与筛窦隔板厚度为0.34±0.14mm,上下径为7.26±1.56mm;

    Results : The locations of frontal , ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses were continual .

  28. 结论:在筛窦手术或视神经管减压术时,Dacryon与筛前孔、筛后孔及视神经管眶口距离,可为正确寻找和处理筛动脉及视神经管提供依据。

    Conclusion : Dacryon is important to locate ethmoidal artery in the operation of ethmoidal sinus and optic canal decompression .

  29. 方法利用CMIAS真彩色医学图像分析仪对50个(100侧)成年颅骨筛窦中部水平断面进行观测。

    Method Using color medical imagine analysis system , the middle horizontal sections of ethmoids were observed and measured on 50 adult skulls .

  30. 鼻息肉常伴有中下鼻甲肥大,鼻中隔偏曲,Haller气房及板障型筛窦等解剖变异。

    It often has various anatomical variations such as hyperplasia of middle , inferior conchae , the curved nasal septum , Haller air cells , diploic type of ethmoidal sinus et al .