
  • 网络screening efficiency
  1. 对这些阳性克隆的测序结果证实其中的274个含有微卫星序列。微卫星序列的富集效率为22.6%,PCR扩增筛选效率96.7%。

    Sequence analysis of these positive clones confirmed 274 microsatellite sequences , with a high enrichment efficiency of 22.6 % and PCR screening efficiency of 96.7 % .

  2. 本实用新型不仅筛选效率高,而且结构简单。

    The machine has the advantages of high screening efficiency and simple structure .

  3. 结果表明:FIASCO法能有效提高微卫星标记筛选效率。

    The results indicate that FIASCO is a good method for enhancing the efficiency of development of microsatellite markers .

  4. 在众多研究基因表达差异的方法当中,抑制性消减杂交(SSH)技术是最行之有效的方法,它筛选效率高、特异性高、灵敏度高、能有效分离高、低丰度的差异表达基因。

    Suppression subtractive hybridization ( SSH ) was the most effective technique to study the differentially expressed genes . SSH not only had a high screen efficiency and specificity , but also had a high sensitivity and can even isolate the differentially expressed genes in low abundance .

  5. 具有筛选效率高、自清洗、噪音低等特点。

    Has the screen efficiency high , from the clean , the noise low status characteristic .

  6. 植物转基因研究中抗性标记基因可以提高转化体的筛选效率。其中70%转基因植物中采用卡那霉素抗性标记基因。

    The selectable marker genes are required to ensure the efficient plant genetic transformation , 70 percent of which are genes conferring kanamycin resistance .

  7. 我们将四个参数综合起来考虑,发展了一个新的打分函数,平均百排分位排序为22.2±7.8,并且提高了筛选效率。

    We also developed a new scoring function by combining the four terms and obtained the best prediction result ( average rank 22.2 ± 7.8 ) .

  8. 在筛选效率上,新算法优于原有算法,从而提高了拆卸与或图拆卸模型的整体建模效率。

    The new algorithm is better than the former one in sieving efficiency , and accordingly the modeling efficiency of disassembly AND-OR graph is greatly increased .

  9. QTL复合区间作图中标记筛选的效率及其影响因素研究

    Studies of Marker Screening Efficiency and Corresponding Influencing Factors in QTL Composite Interval Mapping

  10. 橡胶树基因组结构复杂,重复序列含量高达52%,用常规构建基因组文库法(如Shotgun)则会增加测序成本,增加拼接错误率及降低筛选基因效率。

    The rubber tree possesses a complex genome structure , repetitive sequence content of up to 52 % . A conventional genomic library construction method ( such as shotgun ) will increase the sequencing costs and increase the error rate and reduce the splicing efficiency of selected genes .

  11. 运用该方法,可以大大提高苏芸金杆菌菌株筛选的效率并降低筛选所需的费用。

    With the new procedure , the effiency of strain-screening can be improved obviously .

  12. 筛选氮效率高的水稻品种,充分挖掘和利用作物自身的潜力是降低环境污染、提高氮素利用效率的理想途径之一。

    Selection of rice genotype with high nitrogen use efficiency is one feasible way of methods to improve nitrogen use efficiency .

  13. 目的对不同品系大鼠肝卵圆细胞增殖模型进行比较,筛选建模效率较高的大鼠品系。

    Objective To select the rat strain relatively more suitable for model establishment by comparison of hepatic oval cell proliferation models from different rat strains .

  14. 另外,在新菌产生新素的思想指导下,本论文工作实践了通过挖掘新种来提高新药筛选的效率和命中率的筛选策略,并取得初步成效。

    In addition , with " new strain " producing " new bioactivity ", this study fulfilled the screening strategy of " increasing efficiency and hit ratio in new drug screening through seeking new strains " and primary effects were gained .

  15. 本实验为今后转基国抗早育种提供了一种切实可行的新思路,为利用花粉管通道法转化棉花,提高抗逆转基国棉花田间筛选的效率打下了基础。

    This experiment provides a practical new ideas for the future breeding of transgenic drought-resisitance plants for using pollen-tube pathway to transform cotton , and has laid a foundation of enhancing the screening efficiency to select transgenic cotton which were transformed through pollen-tube pathway in cotton fields .

  16. 对压力筛筛选机理及效率评定方法的新认识

    New Knowledge of Screening Principle and Assessing Methods for Screening Efficiency of Pressure Screen

  17. 抗体基因插入载体的频率,高比例的丢失意味着筛选的低效率;

    The frequency of gene fusing , high deletion of antibody gene meaning low efficiency ;

  18. 实践表明,该系统一次可实现2048个瓦斯传感器的质量标定和自动筛选,检测效率高,数据精确,有较好的应用推广前景。

    The practice proves that this system can complete quality demarcation and automatic sieving of 2,048 gas sensors one time , with high checking and measuring efficiency , precision data . It has a good prosperity of application .

  19. 结果:单用G418筛选时最高筛选效率为72.0%;

    Results The highest purity of GFP positive cells was 72.0 % when selected by G418 only ;

  20. NIRS作为一种白三叶粗蛋白质快速分析的技术是可行的,在白三叶蛋白质品质育种中,可快速进行种质资源筛选,提高育种效率。

    NIRS is feasible as a rapid analysis method , and can be used in the selection and breeding of white clover germplasms to improve the breeding efficiency .

  21. 在脂质体介导下,将增强的绿色荧光蛋白基因导入骨髓间充质干细胞,然后通过G418抗性筛选,观察转染效率。

    MSCs were transfected with enhanced green fluorescent protein ( EGFP ) gene under the mediation of LipofectAMINE , and G418 resistance was adopted for screen , so as to observe the transfection efficiency .

  22. 目的回顾分析26例白血病和实体瘤患儿外周血干细胞采集效果及其对受体造血恢复影响,筛选可能与采集效率提高和受体造血恢复相关的因素。

    Objective Data on the leukapheresis from 26 pediatric patients with hematologic or solid malignancies was retrospectively evaluated to screen predictive factors affecting the efficacy of peripheral blood stem cell ( PBSC ) collection from donors , as well as hematopoietic recovery in recipients .

  23. 研究的意义:新的筛选模型的建立提高了益生乳酸杆菌的筛选效率,具有新型安全抗菌微生态制剂研制的方法学意义;

    Significance and impact of the study : Through establishing the model , screening efficiency of probiotic Lactobacillus spp is improved ;

  24. 并且,这套载体用于菌体筛选的抗性标记基因是Kan抗性基因,Kan相对稳定,筛选效率高,使用方便有效。

    Besides , the resistance marker gene is the Kan resistance gene , and Kan is relatively stablity , high screening efficiency .

  25. 并利用菌种的分维特征作为筛选高产菌株的直观指标,有效地提高了菌种筛选工作的效率与准确度。

    We demonstrate that using the fractal dimension characteristics to assist the mould seed selection can significantly improve the efficiency and accuracy .

  26. 本文通过对甜瓜耐冷(湿)性鉴定指标的筛选,旨在利用它们提高甜瓜材料及品种的鉴定和筛选的效率,为抗逆育种和生产服务。

    By screening the appraisal indices of chilling ( humidity ) tolerance in melon , we can use them to enhance the efficiency of identifying and screening materials and cultivars , to serve the adversity-resistance breeding and production .

  27. 结论链霉素抗性筛选和琼脂块筛选均可以获得纳他霉素的高产菌株,其中链霉素抗性筛选法效率高,琼脂块法筛选全面。

    Conclusion The study indicated that high natamycin-producing strain could be obtained by both methods , and it had a high screening efficiency by streptomycin-resistance method and screening was completed by agar block method .

  28. 供应链管理中供应商筛选的标准及指标体系理论较成熟,但对于如何利用信息技术实现供应商的自动筛选及提高供应商筛选的效率则研究不多。

    In supply chain management , it has developed well in the theory of vendor selection criterions , however , little research has been focused on how to utilize information technology to realize automatic vendor selection and improve its selection efficiency .

  29. 方法应用抗原固相化吸附筛选法、生物素化抗原液相筛选法和解离速率筛选法对半合成噬菌体抗体库或轻链替换库进行抗角蛋白噬菌体抗体的筛选,比较各自的筛选效率和优缺点。

    METHODS Three different methods including antigen coated solid phase selection , biotin based liquid phase selection and the off rate selection were applied to select anti keratin phage antibodies from a semi synthetic library and a light chain reshuffled library .