
shāi zi
  • sieve;sifter;griddle
筛子 [shāi zǐ]
  • [sieve;sifter] 用竹条、铁丝等编成的有许多小孔的器具,可以把细碎的东西漏下去,较粗的成块的留在上面,以达到分选的目的

筛子[shāi zi]
  1. 用一个细筛子将山莓压碎过滤,以制成山莓泥。

    Press the raspberries through a fine sieve to form a puree .

  2. 将锅里的东西倒到筛子上。

    Empty the contents of the pan into the sieve

  3. 筛子遮不住太阳。

    The screen cannot shut out the sunshine .

  4. 先把该解决的问题过筛子。

    Let 's first go over those matters which must be resolved .

  5. 脱下的种皮,可由筛子上的吸气装置吸除。

    Hulls may be removed by aspiration on screens .

  6. 没有过筛子的沙子是不能入料的。

    Sand can not be added into the material without being sieved .

  7. 我们经常用筛子筛面粉。

    We often shake flour through a sieve .

  8. v.(用筛子)筛,筛选她只好把煤渣中的灰筛出去。

    sift She had to sift ashes from the cinders .

  9. 由x射线衍射图及红外光谱图的测定,表明这些样品经600℃焙烧后发生或多或少的骨架改变,最终形成筛子。

    The determination of X-ray diffraction and IR-spectroscopy showed that framework topology of these samples were changed more or less after calcination at 600 ℃ . DTA shows no structural collapse below ~ 950 ℃ .

  10. (不能用筛子分析的)亚筛细度离子胶束诱导微波合成SAPO-11分子筛微球

    Synthesis of SAPO-11 Molecular Sieve Microspheres Using a Microwave Technique and Mediated by Ionic Micelles

  11. 这种办法是徒劳无益的,就像丹尼亚斯(danaus)的女儿们试图用筛子打水一样,只可能进一步助长自我放纵。

    Such a tactic would be futile rather like the daughters of Danaus trying to fill a sieve and could only encourage greater self-indulgence .

  12. 薄软绸制的领带或围巾等新娘手持一个筛子,筛子上盖有一块丝绸披巾。

    The bride holds a sieve covered with a silk shawl ;

  13. 他冒险把他的命运放在筛子的投注上。

    He risked his fortune on a throw of the dice .

  14. 这条船漏得像个筛子。

    This boat leaks like a sieve , ie very badly .

  15. 拆卸图模型中基于多色集理论的可拆卸性筛子研究

    Study on Disassembling Sieve Based-on Polychromatic Sets in Disassembly Models

  16. 把米放入筛子中,用冷流动水冲洗。

    Rinse rice in a sieve under cool running water .

  17. 妈妈:当然用不着筛子,只要搅一下就好了,尤娜。

    Mum : Of course it doesn 't need sieving .

  18. 拆卸与或图拆卸模型连通性筛子的新构造法

    A New Method for Construction of Connectivity Sieve of Disassembly AND-OR Graph

  19. 系统地研究了构造拆卸图模型过程中的可拆卸性筛子。

    This paper studied the disassembling sieve in disassembly graph model systemically .

  20. 你若动一动,我就用子弹把你打成“筛子”。

    If you move I 'll riddle you with bullets !

  21. 注意:你选择的是最少限制的筛子。

    Note : You have selected theleast restrictive filter for your results .

  22. 那里的指令链就像破筛子一样。

    Chain of command over there leaks worse than a broken sieve .

  23. 我们可以用一个筛子把石头分离出来。

    We can separate the stones out with a sieve .

  24. 就像把一把碎饼干扔在筛子上。

    It 's like throwing a bunch of crackers in a sieve .

  25. 径向进气风扇与筛子配合性能的试验研究

    Experimental Researches on Performance of the Cross-flow Fan in Cooperation with the Sieve

  26. 筛子-气流式清粮装置设计参数的研究

    Research on the Design Parameter of the Cleaning Unit

  27. 许多较重的杂质,经由各种不同的筛子筛除。

    Screening separates much of the heavier trash by use of different-sized screens .

  28. 你是不是把甜馅放在筛子上,然后把元宵滚出来?

    Are you making Yuanxiao by rolling sweet stuffing around in a sieve ?

  29. 在盘子里用筛子撒上糖粉和可可粉。

    Sift icing sugar and cocoa onto a plate .

  30. 任何残留的杂质都从筛子中被过滤掉。

    Any residual impurities fell through a shaking screen .