
chǐ guān
  • corona;corona dentis;crown;crown of a tooth
齿冠 [chǐ guān]
  • [crown of a tooth] 牙齿露出齿龈的部分

齿冠[chǐ guān]
  1. 在满足承载能力和刚度要求条件下,以变幅机构中蜗轮齿冠体积最小为优化目标,建立模糊优化设计的数学模型,并给出优化方法和结果分析。

    Being satisfied with the conditions of load-bearing capacity and stiffness , the maths model in fuzzy design optimization is set up which is to minimize the volume of tooth corona of worm gear in traction mechanism , and the optimization method and result analysis are given .

  2. He-Ne激光治疗眼麦粒肿和急性齿冠周炎的疗效观察

    The effect observation of sty and acute crown gingivits of tooth treated with He-Ne laser

  3. 我的一颗牙齿镶了假齿冠。

    I 've had one of my teeth crowned .

  4. 具P3;颊齿齿冠低,主尖明显,但不膨大,齿凹开阔;

    P3 present cheek teeth lower crowned , with distinct but not swollen main cusps and broad sinuses ;

  5. 那牙医在坏掉的牙齿上装上齿冠。

    The dentist fit an artificial crown on a broken tooth .

  6. 采用齿冠开槽法有效抑制永磁电机齿槽力矩

    Reducing the Cogging Torque of PM Motor by Stator Teeth Notching

  7. 拜肯提供支台作为齿冠及假牙修复之用。

    Bicon offers abutments for both crown and denture restorations .

  8. 齿冠镶铸高铬铸铁

    Cast-in High Chromium Cast Iron Gear Crown

  9. 中国人牙齿形态测量分析&华北近代人群臼齿齿冠及齿尖面积

    Morphometric Analysis of Chinese Teeth : Molar Crown and Cusp Areas of a Recent North Chinese Population

  10. 牙科用装置,用于制作金属齿冠或假牙(例如凹形托座、环或钩)

    Dental fitting for making metal crowns or dentures ( e.g. , sockets , rings , hooks )

  11. 在现场测量了破碎机破碎烧结矿时其齿冠的表面温度和环境温度。

    The surface and ambient temperatures of the crown of crusher in crushing sintering ore were measured in situ .

  12. 当我还是个小女孩时,我的一个牙齿就镶上了用特殊材料制成的齿冠。

    When I was a small girl , my tooth was crowned with special material Oxford University - Department of Materials .

  13. 有个人把他的狗的牙齿镶上了金齿冠。真的吗?真是发了疯

    " Here 's man had his dog 's teeth crowned with gold . " " Really , how crazy can you get ?"

  14. 烧结机尾部的单辊热破碎机齿冠使用寿命过短,是钢铁行业的一大技术难题。

    The shorter service life of single roller crushers installed on the end of sinter machine is a difficult technology problem to the steel-iron industry .

  15. 并提出一种在少槽定子齿冠开小齿的结构,这种结构可以同时减少转子涡流损耗和转矩脉动。

    Less stator teeth with tooth notching structure were suggested which structure can reduce the eddy current losses and rotor torque ripple at the same time .

  16. 建立了以蜗轮齿冠体积、传动效率为目标函数的多目标优化设计数学模型。

    A mathematical model for multi-objective optimization design problem is proposed , where the objective function includes the volume of corona of worm gear and tranmission efficiency .

  17. 利用软件ANSYS计算出破碎机齿冠内温度与热应力的分布,分析了齿冠内温度与热应力分布的规律。

    Based on the measured results , the working temperature and heat stress of the crown were calculated and the distribution patterns of them were analyzed by use of ANSYS software .

  18. 得出了结论:由温度变化引起的齿冠热应力值很小,在进行齿冠材料设计时可以不考虑热应力的影响。

    It was concluded that the heat stress due to the change of temperature was very low so the heat stress could not be considered for the material design of the crown .

  19. 经过11次的拔牙以及几次牙齿植入还有齿冠搭桥之后,他终于能自信地笑了,他甚至还剃掉了用来掩盖牙齿的胡子。

    After 11 extractions , several dental implants and crown fittings with bridges , he was finally able to smile confidently , and even shaved his beard which he had depended on to hide his teeth .

  20. 利用已发表的俄罗斯贝加尔湖和阿尔泰山区域旧石器时代晚期的文献资料,通过对大型食草动物臼齿齿冠高度、食性和体型大小的分析,绘制了环境变化图。

    Here ⅰ use published literature data on the late Palaeolithic of Lake Baikal and Altai Mountains region in Russia to map environmental changes through molar crown height ( hypsodonty ), diet and body size in large herbivores .

  21. 以普通圆柱蜗杆传动的蜗杆头数、蜗轮模数、蜗杆特性系数为设计变量,以蜗轮齿冠质量最小为目标函数,应用模糊理论对普通圆柱蜗杆传动进行模糊优化设计与实例验算。

    This thesis applies fuzzy theory to fuzzy optimum design and evaluation of common cylinder worm drive , which takes worm module , worm characteristic coefficient and number of heads of worm as variables and minimum corona mass as target function .