
  1. 一种改进的齿突蟾动物肌肉线粒体DNA提取方法

    An improved method for isolation of animal muscle mitochondrial DNA

  2. 对其进行再研究发现,宁陕齿突蟾伏牛山居群与模式产地居群的主要特征共同之处为,吻端钝圆;

    The Funiu population was coincident with population of type locality in diagnosis characteristics as : snout obtusely rounded ;

  3. 后一种,即皱纹齿突蟾分别是前三种的多态性变体;这些变体以相同性状(即皮肤多瘭疣)同时表现在三个种中的现象,属于平行多态现象。

    The fact that these variants exhibit the same character ( numerous warts on the skin ) simultaneously in three closely related species is an expression of parallel polymorphism .