
  • 网络Longjing;Longjing City
  1. 龙井市朝鲜族肝癌发病因素的探讨

    Pathogenic Factors of Hepatic Carcinoma of the Koreans in Longjing City

  2. 龙井市农村经济灰色关联度分析

    Application of grey association scale to rural economy analysis of Longjing

  3. 龙井市金谷山金矿床是近几年在延边地区新发现的中大型金矿床。

    The Jingushan gold deposit is a new explored middle-large deposit in Yanbian district .

  4. 本论文研究以延边朝鲜族自治州龙井市老头沟镇为研究和评价对象。

    In this thesis , the Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture , Town of Longjing old man to study and evaluate the object .

  5. 东北地域农村朝鲜族民居实态调查研究&以延边龙井市龙山村为中心

    A Study on the Field Survey of the Korean Communities ' Dwelling Houses of Rural District in East-Northern China ── Longshan Village , Yanbian

  6. 通过龙井市多年来的水文气象及水利部门的统计资料揭示和分析了水资源的特点及开发利用现状和水污染问题,并提出了相关的治理方向和意见。

    This paper reveals and analyses the feature of water resources , the factual state of developed and used and problems of water polluted , and puts forward measures to harness them , according to the information of hydrometeor over the years in Longjing City .