
  • 网络Longgang;longgang district
  1. 本公司位于广东深圳市龙岗区,主营金属铭牌等。

    The company is located in Longgang District , Shenzhen , Guangdong , such as main metal nameplate .

  2. 目的探讨深圳市龙岗区急诊护士工作压力情况及其在人口学特征方面的特点。

    Objective To study the relationship between the demographic features and job pressure of emergency nurses in Longgang District , Shenzhen .

  3. 结论深圳市龙岗区疟疾流行主要受流动人口的影响,目前采取的措施可行而有效。

    And the current preventive and therapeutic measures were feasible and effective .

  4. 龙岗区妇幼保健院后勤服务社会化管理模式分析

    Analysis of Hospital Logistics to Serve the Community Management Model

  5. 十五大以来我国政治现代化的新发展&兼析深圳市龙岗区大鹏镇镇长选举制度改革的政治意义

    The New Development of China ′ s Political Modernization since the 15th CPC Congress

  6. 龙岗区2001-2005年病毒性肝炎血清流行病学监测

    Serum epidemiological surveillance of viral hepatitis in 2001-2005

  7. 深圳市龙岗区农民工无偿献血者血铅、血镉的检测分析

    Detection and Analysis on The Blood Lead and Cadmium of Voluntary Blood Donators from Peasant Workers

  8. 方法用回顾性流行病学研究方法对深圳市龙岗区1993~2003年外来流动人口疟疾流行情况进行分析。

    Methods The epidemic status of malaria from 1993 ~ 2003 among floating population were retrospectively studied .

  9. 深圳市龙岗区食品公共场所从业人员病毒性肝炎相关知识及行为分析

    Analysis on the Viral Hepatitis Related Knowledge and Behavior among the Employees in Food Serving Public Places

  10. [方法]随机抽查龙岗区360名食品从业人员对其卫生知识和卫生行为进行调查,并对结果进行统计分析。

    [ Methods ] Investigated on hygienic knowledge and behaviors of 360 food practitioners at random and analyze statistics .

  11. 论技术顾问组在某高层工程施工中的作用对公众参与制度化的探索&深圳市龙岗区顾问规划师制度的构建

    The function of the technological advisory group for construction of a building an exploration on the institutional-ization of public participation

  12. 以绿色通廊将这些项目整合到区域的基础设施建设之中,完善了龙岗区的绿地系统结构。

    These sites are connected to the local infrastructure by green corridors to improve the green open space system in Longgang .

  13. 龙城已发展成为龙岗区集商贸、高新科技、旅游观光和外向型工业为一体的新兴的现代化中心城。

    Lung Shing-Longgang District has developed into commerce , high technology , tourism and export-oriented industries as one of the emerging modern city centre .

  14. 深圳市龙岗区一座倒闭的制鞋厂里,一条男式内裤晾挂在澡堂的后面。

    A pair of mens underwear hangs left behind in the workers shower area of a closed down shoe factory in the Longgang district .

  15. 龙岗区副区长熊小平表示,工人对清算所得拥有优先索赔权,然后是地方政府的欠税申索。

    According to Mr Xiong , the deputy district chief in Shenzhen , workers have first claim on liquidation proceeds , followed by local government tax claims .

  16. 针对这些问题,本文提出了龙岗区加强打击非法行医的对策建议:加大医疗投入,健全医疗保障体系;

    To solve these problems , this paper Longgang District efforts to combat illegal practice suggestions : increasing spending on health care , improve the health care system ;

  17. 目的为了控制梅毒经血液传播,降低输血风险,统计分析龙岗区无偿献血者中梅毒阳性的分布特征,提出相应的干预对策。

    OBJECTIVE In order to reduce the risk of blood transfusion through controlling the blood transmission of syphilis , the study analyzed the donated blood in the bank .

  18. 为证实规划程序的可操作性,以深圳市龙岗区防灾规划为例,提出防洪疏散通道的概念规划。

    In order to prove the maneuverability of the plan procedure , this article takes Shenzhen Long Gang 's disaster prevention plan as an example and puts forward the conceptual plan .

  19. 目的了解和掌握深圳市龙岗区无偿献血人群梅毒、艾滋病和乙肝的感染情况,为加强血液管理提供决策依据。

    OBJECTIVE To understand and grasp the non-remunerated blood donation , Longgang District , syphilis , HIV , hepatitis B infection , in order to strengthen management decision-making based on blood .

  20. 目的:探讨深圳市龙岗区坪地外来工亚健康状况及其影响因素,为预防亚健康提供科学依据。

    To study the status and affective factors of the sub health in the migrants in Pingdi town in Shengzhen city and to provide the scientific evidence for the prevention of sub health .

  21. 阐述了预应力锚索框架的计算理论与应用方法,介绍了预应力锚索框架在深圳市龙岗区宝荷路高边坡加固工程中的应用和实际效果,提出用锚索框架结合仰斜疏干孔治理边坡。

    At the same time , the new concept of reinforcement of slope by means of integrating the uses of tendon framework and the upward oblique unwatering hole techniques are presented by author too .

  22. [方法]制订统一调查表格,对龙岗区215家饮食企业的餐饮具卫生状况进行调查,用大肠菌群快速纸片法对215家饮食企业的2565份餐饮具进行消毒效果监测。

    [ Method ] Use unified form to investigate hygienic situation of tableware in 215 catering enterprises of Long Gang . Use colibacillus fast paper method to test the sterilization of the 1565 set of tableware .

  23. 深圳市龙岗区大部分学生热爱篮球运动项目,学习过程中更倾向于自由练习或者进行教学比赛,对单一的基本技术教学不感兴趣。

    The majority students love the basketball sport program , during the learning process they prefer to the free practice or the teaching competition between each other but they are not so interested in the basic technology .

  24. 结论:探讨目前既经济又有效的人口出生缺陷筛查干预模式,对降低龙岗区出生缺陷(尤其是重症缺陷)患儿的发生率,提高出生人口素质显得十分必要。

    Conclusion : It is very necessary to find an economical and effective mode of screening and intervention of birth defects , which can reduce the rate of birth defects ( especially main defects ) and raise the quality of birth population .

  25. 本文介绍了地震相干分析技术及其在四川龙岗油气勘探区某工区断层解释中的应用。

    The paper introduced seismic coherent analysis technology and its application in the fault interpretation of target area .