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  1. Our deep 100k into those data and their preparation revealed serious problems .


  2. The results show that the temperature differences between the calculated values and the theoretical values are within ± 100K .


  3. In the range of gas temperature 20K to 100K the results are not very sensitive to gas temperature .


  4. But , in a lower temperature ( such as80 ~ 100K ), leakage current increases rapidly .


  5. Elastic and dielectric behavior of CuO in the temperature range from 100k to 160K


  6. Under the impulses and influences of western modern art design , Chinese modern art design has taken on a new 100k from the traditional design culture .


  7. After oxygen reduction annealing process oxygen content of the film approached optimal value , and T c could be increased to as high as 100K .


  8. In the central position of the ingot the EBIC contrast of grain boundaries was rather weak while at 100K it increased greatly .


  9. The two proteins of 100K and 33K are mingled then coated with the different proportion to establish the indirect 100K-33K-ELISA method .


  10. Electron beam induced current technique is used to determine the hole diffusion length of N-type substrate at 100K for InSb multi-element arrays with DX-3A SEM .


  11. The dielectric and pyroelectric properties of three crystals in the system of lead barium niobate ( PBN ) were investigated in the temperature range from 100K to 450K .


  12. I had worked hard and saved up $ 150K , which was to last me exactly through the $ 100K in tuition for two years and $ 50K for basic living expenses .


  13. Before measurement some specimens were prestrained by 0 % , 6 % or 8 % . The heating and cooling rates were 100K / min and 20K / min respectively .


  14. The main chamber is of 12m in diameter and 22.4m in height . Ultimate vacuum is 4.5 × 10 ~ ( - 6 ) 6pa . Shroud temperature is 100K .


  15. The temperature range available for research is extended . Some experiment data of thermal contact resistance between aluminum , stainless steel , and copper were got from 100K to 300K . The relationships of thermal contact resistance to interface load and temperature were analyzed .


  16. In response to public outcry over gauging , it continued to pay drivers the 2x but charge passengers 1X , costing the company $ 100k / day ( effectively Uber was subsidizing the marketplace ) .


  17. These are people or institutions who commit significant capital ( > $ 100k ) and are respected in the tech community or in the specific industry you are going after ( e.g. , successful fashion people investing in a fashion-related startup ) .


  18. TEM_ ( 00 ) mode of a high power TEA CO_2 laser was used to pump D_2 which was cooled to 100K in MPC . By using the principle of SRRS , we have obtained Raman laser output that can be tuned in 11 ~ 14 μ m.
