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  • 诊断;【医】【=diagnosis】诊断,特征
  1. First , starting with the requirement analysis , this paper describes functional design and non-functional requirements of DIAG module in detail .


  2. Carry out the message transmission between PC and mobile terminal by AT and Diag command which based on Telecom platform ;


  3. Conclusion Cross infection were serious in gynaecologic infections and multiple pathogens detection is of important significance for clinical diag - nosis and treatment .


  4. Using the downloadable diag facility b57udiag-cmd , choose the device and then disable PXE boot .


  5. Based on this approach , we have implemented an experimental analog automatic diagnostic system , which can diag - nose any fault elements in practical linear resistive circuits .


  6. OBJECTIVE To improve the early diag - nosis and treatment of the isolated sphenoid sinus aspergilloma ( ISSA ) .


  7. Other types of large granular lymphocyte leukemia and extranodal NK / T cell lymphoma should be excluded in order to diag - nose it .


  8. Furthermore , among those 6 patients with negative results via barium-meal examination , 4 patients were diag - nosed with intestinal diseases by double-balloon enteroscopy .


  9. And if that doesn 't provide enough information , then you can interrogate the system further with the diag command , running specific tests on various pieces of hardware and the operating system .


  10. Conclusion This method for diag - nosis and treatment of obstruction of the fallopian the is safe . simple and accurate . The successfull rate of recanalization is high .


  11. AIX also has a diagnostic tool , diag , that can test errors in the errpt and determine whether they are temporary , one-off hiccups or necessitate a part replacement .


  12. Conclusion Arteriopalmus examination of dorsalis pedis artery , Doppler ultrasonography , arteriography are reliable methods for diag - nosis of arterial injuries after blunt trauma of lower extremities .


  13. Introduces the technology of CORBA and SOAP / Web Service . Following this , pre - sents a detailed solution to the CORBA and SOAP / Web Service technology-based remote fault diag - nosis system .
