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  1. Yield , production value , proportion of middle and low grade tobacco leaf and average price were relatively satisfied with nitrogen application of 120kg / hm2 ;


  2. Pigs usually slaughtered at 120kg are now being killed at a weight of about 75kg , says Mr rice .


  3. The average yield of three seasons showed that maize and rapeseed can obtain the highest yield as the phosphorus fertilizer application was 90kg / hm2 and the potassium fertilizer application was 120kg / hm2 .


  4. The conductor features in smooth surface , compactness , high electrical conductivity ( 5-18m Ω / □), high adhesive ( > 120kg / cm2 ), solderability , high etch-resistant ability and excellent aging performance .


  5. The result showed that the grain yield , kilo-kernel weight and liter weight were the highest when N fertilizer treatment was 120kg / hm ~ 2 at the high yield condition . But they had depressed trend when excess N fertilizer applied .
