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  1. Environmental Qualification for Class 1E Electric Equipment in Nuclear Power Plant


  2. Application of the single failure criterion to class 1E system in nuclear power plant


  3. Review of Nuclear Safety for Class 1E Cables of Nuclear Power Plants


  4. Method for identification of documents related to safety class 1E equipment and systems for nuclear power plants


  5. Constructional Design of Class 1E Cables for Nuclear Power Station and Investigation of Related Tests


  6. PLC electrical control system for GK_ ( 1E ) 31 industrial locomotive


  7. A new esterase isozyme band , 1E , was found .


  8. 1E Class Nomex Paper Non-Encapsulated Dry-Type Transformer in Nuclear Power Station


  9. Design of Remover for 1E Range of Motor


  10. Production of the insulated conductors of Class 1E Category K3 cables for nuclear power station


  11. The basic requirements in nuclear safety review are clarified for class 1E cables of nu - clear power plants .


  12. The performance measurements show that the frequency stability is a little better than 1E 14 for time interval from 80 s to 1 day .


  13. We did not detect the expression of 5-HT_ 1E receptor subtype mRNA in the spinal dorsal horn .


  14. Development of CK_ ( 1E ) meter-gage diesel locomotive


  15. All these results showed that the () ~ 1D 、() ~ 1E can accurately predict the acidity of inorganic hydrides .


  16. Therefore , it is possible to take the equivalent stress σ - 1E and friction work W as the twO basic parameters of predicting the fretting fatigue failure .


  17. Qualification of class 1E static battery chargers and inverters for nuclear power plants Standard for quality inspection and evaluation of petroleum construction engineering Electrical engineering ( device installation engineering )


  18. The safety classification of the instrumentation and control equipment refers to GB / T 15474-1995 standard , including safety 1E , safety-related SR and NC non-safety classification .


  19. Results The three cell lines secreting McAbs stably by culturing in vitro and recovery tests were obtained and named as 1E 5 , 4A 4 , and 4B 1 respectively .


  20. Conclusion Compounds 1d , 1e , 1i and 1j displayed characters of class ⅲ antiarrhythmic agents , and further comprehensive pharmacological experiments should be conducted to observe their combinational action .


  21. This paper presents the constructional design and test methods of class 1E power cables and control cables for nuclear power station in a view to render some help to the preparation of company specifications by manufacturers of nuclear power cables .


  22. In order to precisely describe the information flow from 1E degree to non 1E degree subsets of the network in the Nuclear Power Plant network , a new security information flow mathematics model based on this network is given in this paper .


  23. From the cognitive point of view ," 1e " derives the " perfect aspect " from the metonymy of " boundary ", with " realization " and " change " as the variations in deferent distribution .


  24. But the difference of expression level existed between different 5 HT receptor subtypes . The expression of 5 HT 1E and 5 HT 2B receptor mRNAs , however , was not detected in the present study .


  25. GK_ ( 1E ) 31 diesel-hydraulic locomotives


  26. 5-HT_ ( 1E ), 5-HT_ ( 2B ) and 5-HT_ ( 5B ) receptor mRNAs were not detectable in the DRG in both normal and formalin rats .


  27. Today this includes effectively removing nano-particles ( < 100 nm ) from wafer surfaces and controlling main metal impurities at or below 1E + 10 atoms / cm2 . Traditional scrubber and megasonic wet batch cleaning processes face a challenge to reach these targets .


  28. The optimal condition for deproteinization was A 2B 2C 1D 1E 2 , the best composition for the deproteinizing agent was 40 % of chloroform , 10 % of 2 butanol , 2 % of methanol , 40 % of ethanol , 0 01 % of NaCl .
