- abbr.生物活性炭;放气控制系统(Bleed Air Control System)

Rapid Modification of BACs With The Optimized Red / ET Recombination System
Third , modified audit opinion has some negative correlations with BACs .
The system used to deposit salaries in bank accounts , BACs , is on yet another network .
Laws that establish BACs of0.05g/dl or below are effective at reducing the number of alcohol-related crashes .
The library was screened by using 20 microsatellite markers and 5 known functional genes with PCR . Positive BACs for all these markers and genes were identified successfully and the positive number ranges from 3 to 19 with average of 11.3 .
Average insert size of the library is 118 kb evaluated from analysis of 452 BACs randomly picked from library . So the genome coverage of the library is 13.34 and the possibility to find a single-copy gene in the library is 99.984 % .