Barra da Tijuca

  • 网络海滩;巴拉达蒂茹卡;巴拉帝如卡区;帝如卡沙;巴拉达蒂茹卡区
Barra da TijucaBarra da Tijuca
  1. In an interview with BuzzFeed Brazil , Barcellos said that he saw the woman when he was on a bus leaving the neighborhood of Barra da Tijuca .


  2. According to the officer , Lochte , Conger , Bentz and Feigen got into an altercation at the gas station in Barra da Tijuca , a suburb of Rio where many Olympic venues are located .


  3. Costing several billion dollars , those projects include a new subway line and express bus lanes that connect the Olympic Park in Barra da Tijuca to the rest of the city , which is expected to swell with more than half a million visitors .
