Cao Wenxuan

  • 网络曹文轩;曹文宣
Cao WenxuanCao Wenxuan
  1. Cao Wenxuan , Beijing University Professor , is an outstanding writer at present Chinese Literary arena .


  2. The grace of sad & On neoclassical style of CAO Wenxuan


  3. Cao Wenxuan is a writer and scholar of contemporary fictional theory , thus it is very interesting and challenging to study his works .


  4. BEIJING - Sunshine and playtime are not the hallmarks of Cao Wenxuan 's stories for children .


  5. Zhang was interviewed along the sidelines of the forum discussing the realistic novels written by top children 's book prize winner Cao Wenxuan .


  6. Chinese children 's fiction writer Cao Wenxuan on Monday won the Hans Christian Andersen Prize 2016 at the Bologna Children 's Book Fair in Italy .


  7. Cao Wenxuan is a famous children 's literature writer , who has a unique writing style . " Aestheticism " and " poetry " is his stylistic characteristics .


  8. The most prominent characteristic of Cao Wenxuan should be the creation and the utilization of the image . The beauty of image is also the most important aspect of his works ' esthetics characteristic .


  9. Cao Wenxuan 's recent achievement in literature is that he has not only developed a school of his own pursuit of aesthetics , but also probed deeply a new literary field & an adolescent 's feelings .


  10. Cao Wenxuan has poured his own emotion into these bright images , enabled them to have the intense symbol and metaphorical , thus strengthened the work connotation and dynamics , expanded the work esthetic explanation space .


  11. The aesthetic style of Cao Wenxuan 's initiation stories & local lyric styles , is mainly expressed in the following aspects : the indifference to fame or gain , the melancholy images of agricultural civilization , the simple and kind folkways , the idealized actual life and etc.
