
美 [ˈdæməkliːz]英 [ˈdæməkliːz]
  • n.达摩克利斯;扎莫克利斯



a bad or unpleasant thing that might happen to you at any time and that makes you feel worried or frightened



  • 1
    PHRASE 达摩克利斯之剑;随时可能发生的危险
    If you say that someone has the Sword of Damocles hanging over their head, you mean that they are in a situation in which something very bad could happen to them at any time.

    As a Grand Prix driver, you have the Sword of Damocles hanging over your head at every moment.


  1. These bills now hang over people like the Sword of Damocles .


  2. Perjury , the Sword of Damocles , put China 's lawyers in a dilemma


  3. As a Grand Prix driver , you have the Sword of Damocles hanging over your head at every moment .


  4. Unemployment , like the sword of Damocles , was always accompanying the workers .


  5. The possibility of being made redundant has been a sword of Damocles hanging over me for several months now .


  6. As the most serious threat in the human society , nuclear war is just like a Damocles Sword always hanging above the earth .


  7. Government threats to cut the budget by50 % are hanging over the opera house like a sword of damocles .


  8. The students ' next goal is to be enrolled in a university . The college entrance examination is like a sword of Damocles .


  9. The threat , hanging like the sword of Damocles over the head of the members , was meant to get their attention .


  10. The likelihood of lay-offs has been a sword of Damocles over the department for months .


  11. The magic of the assessment of student academic achievement makes the assessment become the sword of Damocles to schools , teachers , students and parents .


  12. The Latin American debt , overhanging American banks like the sword of Damocles ( Arthur M. Schlesinger , Jr. )


  13. The newspaper reported that the army was very discontent and that this was a sword of Damocles hanging over the government .


  14. However , video-sharing websites are faced with copyright problems since the inception . The copyright issues have become " Sword of Damocles " to the websites developments .


  15. Today , peace and development have become the prevailing trend , but the world is far from tranquil . War is the sword of Damocles that still hangs over mankind .


  16. And so , the next day , Damocles was led into the palace , and all the servants were bidden to treat him as their master .


  17. The current imbalance of economic interests in China , is not only the obstacle to economic development , but also is " the sword of Damocles ", as a treatment to social harmony and stability .


  18. Bertram : It is . I 've had the sword of Damocles hanging over me for months , and now I can finally relax .


  19. It is a sword of Damocles hanging over our heads and it is a fantastic handicap against our only competitor [ Boeing ] in commercial aircraft .


  20. The Damocles sword of science and technology brought tremendous pleasure in giving the material life to the people , while brought the pople innumerable affliction from the serious deformities constrain to the unbridled development .


  21. Article 306 of criminal law indicates restrictions of the right to criminal defense and discriminations to the defense so that it has been likened to the Damocles Sword which threatens to the defending lawyers at any moment .


  22. A senior French official said the plan , which has backing from the European Commission in Brussels as well as several other eurozone countries , was a way of " removing the Damocles sword of default " while keeping pressure on Athens to reform .


  23. In addition , the 306 item of " crime arising from the vindicator , lawsuits agent 's participation in fraudulence of evidences " defined in the state 's criminal law has become the " sword of Damocles " over the head of lawyer .


  24. The first wearable computer glasses were made by Edward Thorp and Claude Shannon in 1961 . In 1968 , Ivan Sutherland made the " Sword of Damocles . " It was the first head-mounted computer display and an early variant of all wearable computer glasses we have today .


  • 习语


a/the sword of Damocles

a bad or unpleasant thing that might happen to you at any time and that makes you feel worried or frightened