• abbr.earnings before interest;tax
  1. Ebitda , meanwhile , is expected to increase by a modest 3.7 % .


  2. The company expects to be back to its target range of two to 2.5 times ebitda within 18 months .


  3. Ebitda margins fell from 54.3 per cent in 2007 to 52.5 per cent in 2008 .


  4. The tax burden will impact our EBITDA significantly , and will influence strategic decision on M & A project .


  5. Net debt to EBITDA , at 2.4 times , is well within covenant ceilings .


  6. Remember that EBITDA is similar to pre capex , pre working capital cash generation .


  7. Double ebitda margins to 40 per cent and a $ 5bn company is easily within reach .


  8. But Ebitda last year was a third higher than the period just before the buyout , due mainly to cost control .


  9. EBITDA as a proportion of revenues has to double to 20 per cent and stay there .


  10. They will outperform those wedded to market share , EBITDA growth , or EPS management .


  11. Losses expanded at a faster clip than did revenue , and EBITDA kept slipping .


  12. Revenues at the mobile operator picked up 16 per cent last year and EBITDA surpassed capital expenditure for the first time .


  13. Listed directories businesses will have an average of 5.7 times net debt to EBITDA this year , according to JPMorgan .


  14. But the fundamental problem with using EBITDA as a gauge of profitability is that deprecation is typically a real cost .


  15. Analysts say Yahoo 's core business should be valued at around four to six times 2014 Ebitda & more like a print media asset .


  16. The company reports $ 17.96 million in EBITDA for the first half of 2013 , compared to just $ 2.15 million for the first half of 2012 .


  17. Debt is also on the rise in Europe , albeit from lower levels : 4.7 times ebitda on average this year , compared with 6.1 in 2007 .


  18. Combined with the impact of deflationary ingredients prices , this boosted the group 's ebitda margin by 1.3 percentage points to 23.8 per cent .


  19. However , several of the rigs do not come online until 2010 , when the forecast EV / ebitda multiple falls back to seven times .


  20. The net profit by deducting the interest rates , taxes , depreciation and EBITDA was 121.191 billion Yuan , increased by 26.2 % .


  21. That implies a $ 11.1 billion valuation for Yahoo 's core business , or 7.1 times 2014 Ebitda & pricey relative to analyst models .


  22. Its revenue and EBITDA have consistently climbed in each year since going public , and there is plenty of cash on hand without a single cent of debt .


  23. This is the highest ratio since 2007 , when the average debt portion reached a peak of 6 times ebitda , and surpasses the 2006 level of 5.1 times .


  24. Companies were leveraged heavily , with as much as seven times net debt to earnings before interest , tax , depreciation and amortisation ( EBITDA ) .


  25. Group earnings before interest , taxes , depreciation and amortisation ( ebitda ) last year were 107m , 44 per cent up on a year earlier .


  26. But now the ebitda multiples paid by private equity shops are sometimes higher than the price / earnings multiples at which sensible , publicly listed companies trade .


  27. And that likely understates the multiple , since Alibaba 's high-margin royalty payments would need to be factored out of Yahoo 's Ebitda .


  28. Even though Zynga missed quarterly earnings numbers in its first two quarters as a public company and slashed its 2012 EBITDA outlook in half , the company is still making money .


  29. That kind of valuation brings with it breathtaking multiples : 53.2 times ( March ) 2014 year end GAAP earnings , 40 times EBITDA , and 23.4 times revenues .


  30. But really it has bet on a strong European economic recovery pushing TNT 's ebitda back up towards its 2008 peak of 550m , about a third above this year 's estimates .
