首页 / 词典 / good


  • abbr.一般勤务官(General Service Officers);一般潜艇军官(General Submarine Officer);一般补给处(General Supply Office)
  1. The proposed numerical methods based on the GSO here mainly include solving nonlinear equations , solving eigenvalues , numerical integral and function constrained optimization problems and so on , which offer a new method for the numerical computation .


  2. Present condition and development of advanced propulsion systems on GSO satellites


  3. High - temperature Growth and Spectra Characteristics of GSO : Ce Crystal


  4. Introduce independent random search and step adaptive search mechanism into GSO .


  5. Artificial Glowworm Swarm Optimization ( GSO ) Algorithm is a new swarm intelligence algorithm .


  6. A novel LD pumped Yb : GSO laser operating at 1090 nm with low threshold


  7. They are consequently too loose for a region that is recover in gso briskly .


  8. It defines a branch vector to satisfy the topology configuration of distribution network . GSO is integrated into the update method of branch vector .


  9. Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra ( GSO ) was founded in1957 .


  10. Therefore , for solving the high-dimensional problem , a GSO using a neighborhood ( GSO-NH ) is proposed in this paper .


  11. GSO is based on PS model , and employs the ranger search strategy and the visual scanning mechanism , and it has good global search capability .


  12. Comparative study of NaI , BGO , LSO , GSO and YSO scintillators using Monte Carlo simulations


  13. As a novel algorithm the Group Search Optimization ( GSO ) algorithm is gradually well known and adopted by its special swarm structure , also its outstanding performance on solving complex problems .


  14. When the doctor arrives at the hotel , the GSO will escort the doctor to the guestroom .


  15. The Glowworm Swarm Optimization algorithm ( GSO ) gets more and more attention from people and gradually becomes a new research hot spot in the research areas of computational intelligence .


  16. Home to the Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra ( GSO ), the Xinghai Concert Hall is the city 's premier venue for classical music .


  17. The GSO algorithm is good at solving continuous optimization problem , which has been successfully used for collective robot , multi-modal function optimization , network sensor layout , cluster analysis and so on .


  18. Using high resolution transmission electron microscopy , nanometer Si particles and nanometer Ge particles were observed in the SSO and GSO films , respectively , after annealing at 900 or 1100 ℃ .


  19. For improving breakdown voltage ( BV_ ( gso ), BV_ ( gko ) ), at the same time assuring good I-V characteristic , we did many experiments .


  20. The local-searching operator and dynamic moving step is used to improve the Glowworm Swarm Optimization algorithm . At the same time , the GSO algorithm is adopted in particle filter to improve the importance sampling process .


  21. Two recently developed scintillator crystals ( LSO and GSO ) , appears to surpass all previously used materials in most respects and promises to be the basis for the next generation of PET cameras .


  22. The present research status of the crystal structure , scintillation properties , scintillation mechanism and crystal growth of Ce : GSO is reviewed , and the progress in the growth of Ce : GSO crystal is emphatically illuminated in the paper .


  23. This paper has discussed the interference which results from frequency sharing between NGSO / MSS feeder links and GSO / FSS . And the reverse band working mode ( RBWM ) is introduced to deal with the interference .


  24. Ce-doped Gd_2SiO_5 ( GSO : Ce ) is a promising scintillation crystal with superior properties for the practical use . GSO : Ce is a typical fast , high density , nonhydroscopic , radiation hardness material .


  25. Through analyzing the intension and extension of NPO , and according to the true complexion of governmental service organization ( GSO ) in regional science & technology innovation service system , this paper shows the way to transfer from GSO to NPO , and then gives some politic advices .


  26. In order to improve the performance on anti-jamming of meter-band uniform circular arrays ( UCA ) radar , a modified approach to anti-jamming was presented , in which the least squares ( LS ) static pattern constraints was combined with the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization ( GSO ) method .
