- n.千兆分之一(10的-9次方毫微)

Anxiety over the diagnosis , Billi 's relatives argue , could kill her before the cancer .
At the start of The Farewell , Chinese-American New Yorker Billi ( Awkwafina ) learns that her beloved grandmother has terminal cancer .
Billi , in chilly Brooklyn , assures Nai Nai that she 's wearing a hat .
Throughout the film , Billi repeatedly challenges her family and struggles to grasp the concept of collectivism just as much as she struggles to speak Mandarin .
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While I could relate to Billi , who was instructed to hide her grief in front of Nai Nai , I lacked a clear sense of the cultural rationale behind the lies .
If Billi 's family and mine were any indication of how some Chinese families solve problems , I wondered , why don 't we just put everything out in the open so everyone can have a say in a solution ?
There are the petty lies that Billi ( Awkwafina ) , a Chinese-American artist in New York , and Nai Nai , her grandmother in China , tell each other on the phone .