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  • 网络哈伦;哈兰
  1. Executives often respond to crises with quick action , says Harlan Loeb , a director at public relations firm Edelman .


  2. In the midst of a steamy romance , Hattie discovered Dr. Harlan was married .


  3. You see that new business Harlan started at age65 with his first small retirement check was Kentucky Fried Chicken .


  4. Harlan hid from the hornets he heard humming in the hollow hornet tree .


  5. Harlan Watson , chief US negotiator , reiterated : Setting targets is something you do at the end of the process , not the beginning .


  6. We can make the most impact on our spending habits by monitoring our casual spending habits , according to Harlan Platt , professor of finance at Northeastern University .


  7. But you think you 're young and cute , and because your dad is friends With Harlan Silver , one of the partners here , You 're not accountable .


  8. The decision was not unanimous ; three justices dissented , Justice Harlan roundly attacking his six colleagues for violating another basic American principle-separation of powers .


  9. Upon awakening , Dr. Harlan professed his adoration to the young , naive woman desperate for love , promising her a relationship with the possibility of marriage .


  10. As Dr. Harlan sedated Hattie under the guise of a tooth extraction , he undressed his unsuspecting patient and violated her .


  11. James-Michael Harlan , an exhibition designer and car fanatic from White Lake , Michigan , spent three years making out a145-feet long , 2.5-feet high Scalextric track .


  12. Harlan 's method ( 1984 ) which uses the difference of ampli - tude probability distribution to separate seismic signals from noises provides a new noise-separate domain ( amplitude statistical domain ) for removing noises .


  13. In 1887 , Hattie Woolsteen made an appointment for a toothache with Dr. Charles " Cap " Harlan , a Los Angeles dentist whom she immediately became smitten with .
