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  • abbr.上皮内淋巴细胞;改进型立式发射装置(Improved Erector-Launcher);信息交流表
  1. Effects of food restriction stress on the numbers and cytotoxicity of IEL in mice


  2. About 20 % IEL were at the active state with irregular appearance .


  3. IEL 's natural killing activity was higher than PBMCs .


  4. The majority of IEL in ileum were at active state .


  5. The formation of the second IEL might be significant to retard thickening rate of the intima .


  6. Effect of soybean bioactive peptide on IEL and IgA ~ + forming cells of broiler intestinal mucous membrane


  7. Lymphocytes of spleen and intraepithelial lymphocyte ( IEL ) were counted .


  8. Differences of Distribution of CD8 ~ + T Lymphocyte Subgroup Between IEL and LPL in Intestines of Mature Rat


  9. The author review and separate the history course of the evolution of environmental law theory and international environmental law ( IEL ) between 20th century and 21st century .


  10. The lymphocytes in NALT and PP were mainly CD4 + , and those in IEL were mainly CD8 + .


  11. Results The amount of IEL in various parts ( duodenum , jejunum , ileum and sigmoid colon ) of rat intestinal tract decreased in turn .


  12. Objective To investigate the relationship of pathological change of internal elastic lamina ( IEL ) in human coronary arteries ( CA ) and sudden coronary death ( SCD ) .


  13. The cytotoxicity of IEL increased on the second day of food restriction stress , then decreased , and were significantly lower than that of control group on the fifth day of food restriction stress .


  14. Enterocytes and their tight junction complex , the mucus of mucous cell were composed of the mechanical barrier . Immunologic barrier contained plasma cell , IEL and channel .


  15. The proliferation activity , cytotoxic activity as well as the number of IEL in small intestinal mucosa were significantly decreased at 8h post-irradiation , reaching lowest level at 72h .


  16. To investigate the local cellular immunity in the respiratory tract , the numbers of intraepithelial lymphocyte ( IEL ) and the level of IL-2 in tracheas were detected ;


  17. IEL of bronchia and tracheas distributed in bronchia mucosal epithelium and in tracheas mucosal epithelium , especially in bifurcation of tracheas .


  18. The results showed that the numbers of IEL in tracheas was increased significantly ( P < 0.01 ) with PRRS attenuated strain immunization by nasal route contrast to muscle injection and control group ;


  19. Results The great majority of IEL were located in the basal region of the epithelium , below the level of the epithelial cell nuclei , with a few at or above the level of the nuclei .


  20. The effects of food restriction stress on numbers and cytotoxicity of intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes ( IEL ) were investigated . Results showed that the total number of IEL reduced in 2 days after food restriction stress and became even less with prolongation of food restriction stress .


  21. Epithelial cells in the intestinal mucosal arranged loosely along the intestinal mucosal membrane , especially in large intestine , and there were many obvious spaces between the epithelial cells . Intraepithelial lymphocytes ( IEL ) and plasma cells were widely distributed in the intestinal mucosal epithelium .


  22. These results suggest that immune protection provided by primed IEL were higher than that provided by unprimed IEL and that the primed IEL adoptive transfer can up-regulate the mucosa immune response in Peyer 's patches and level of IgA antibody and induce protective mucosal cell and antibody response .
