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  • 网络截流分子量;分子量;相对分子质量;分子量筛截;截留分子量
  1. Meanwhile , we also carry out experiments on the relevant contributions of membrane resistance during ultrafiltration , and draw the conclusion that MWCO ( molecular weight cutoff ) and the membrane materials play important roles in affecting the contributions of membrane resistance .


  2. The membrane MWCO has little influence on the organic removal efficiency of MBR process .


  3. The ultrafiltration process was studied by using PES membrane with 30 000 MWCO .


  4. MWCO of membrane used in ultrafiltration of penicillin fermentation broth


  5. The study finds that a series of nanofiltration membranes with different MWCO can be obtained by controlling the reaction conditions .


  6. The concentration of crude enzyme liquids was carried out using one ultrafiltration membrane reactor with MWCO 2 kDa .


  7. With the decrease of MWCO , declines occurred in all chemical composition of jujube juice content although at different rates . 3 .


  8. On the contrary , the intrinsic resistance of membrane would dominate the filtration process when MWCO of membrane was less than 10 kDa .


  9. Ultrafiltation of wheat straw black liquor of different solid content by using MWCO 1K , 5K , 10K regenerated cellulose membrane was studied .


  10. Nanofiltration membranes are widely used for two features : first , they have intermediate molecular weight cut-offs ( MWCO ) between those of reverse-osmosis and ultrafiltration membranes ;


  11. Effect of molar weight cut-off ( MWCO ) of ultrafiltration ( UF ) membranes on the processing characteristic and the nutrition value of litchi honey was investigated in this paper .


  12. The research is composed of three aspects : After a pretreatment of high speed centrifugation , a UF membrane with a MWCO value of 45000 is used to separate GABA fermentation broth .


  13. During the long-term operation , the filtration resistances would be determined by fouling mainly composed of pore blocking and gel layer formation , when MWCO of membrane was larger than 10 kDa .


  14. In the operational mode of dead-end filtration and without backwash , experiments of seawater fraction using UF membranes with different MWCO ( 67,50 , 30,6 kDa ) were also carried out .


  15. Study on small molecular weight cut-off ( MWCO ) blend ultrafiltration membrane (ⅲ) & Post-treatment and comparison of chemical stability between PVDF UF membrane and PVDF / PVAc blend UF membrane


  16. A single membrane material has been unable to meet the request of practical application of different molecular weight cut-off ( MWCO ), chemical stability , mechanical strength and resistance to pollution , and the need for comprehensive performance .


  17. Ultrafiltration was applied to concentrate and purify polysaccharides of pumpkin . Results showed the optimal conditions were as follows : MWCO 30 KDa ultrafiltration membrane , 0.1 MPa , 25 ℃ .


  18. Normally , the molecular mass cutoff ( MWCO ) range is 200 ~ 1 000 , and its relative pore size is 13 nm , so this membrane is called as NF . QUALITY Quality .


  19. Then the hydrolysate was treated with ultrafiltration membrane ( MWCO is 6.0 × 10 ~ 4 ), and the purity and the yield of RNA was 72.1 % and 0.42 % , respectively .


  20. Ultrafiltration membranes with different MWCO and material was used to treat wastewater from wheat gluten and starch production , the permeation flux , membrane attenuation coefficient , rejection rate of protein , permeation rate of reduce sugar of them were studied through the test .
