
  • 网络马其顿;马其顿王国
  1. In the northern part of Greece there was a land called Macedon .


  2. The army of Macedon stands close by , and must be considered a threat .


  3. In the distance stands the army of Macedon .


  4. At least it 's a Macedonian name , named after the king of Macedon .


  5. King Philip II of Macedon engaged him as a tutor to his son Alexander .


  6. Between Macedon and Thessaly of northern Greece there stood a lofty mountain range whose cloudy summit rushed into the very heavens .


  7. By the age of 20 , Alexander the Great was proclaimed the King of Macedon and had conquered Athens and Thebes .


  8. ( 356-323 BC ) king of Macedon ; conqueror of Greece and Egypt and Persia ; founder of Alexandria .


  9. In telling the story of the advance and decline in military technology between the rise of Macedon and the fall of rome , she gives the reader a commendably approachable and lively tour of classical history .


  10. It is probably the work of the Greek artist Alexandros of Antioch . When Philip , King of Macedon , wanted a tutor for his son Alexander , he sent for Aristotle .


  11. A battle in which Philip of Macedon defeated the Athenians and Thebans ( 338 BC ) and also Sulla defeated Mithridates ( 86 BC ) .


  12. Hellenization Alexander the Great 's father was Philip II , King of Macedonia , King of Macedon , and he conquered different Greek city-states by defeating Athens and its allies at Chaeronea in338 BC .
