- 网络脚本语言;雷克斯;第一部分;青岛;语言

Case of names is normalized to upper case in most Rexx contexts .
Beyond teaching more about rexx scripting , they are practical database examples in their own right .
Rexx also has an error-handling system that lets you SIGNAL conditions and handle them appropriately .
Rexx , however , does have one additional standard datatype : associative arrays .
In Rexx somewhat like in TCL to a large extent everything is a string .
The language is a derivative of plain Rexx .
The Rexx Language Association is a a general advocacy group for the Rexx programming language .
A number of ISVs , moreover , have created Rexx environments for many platforms .
The brief examples above will give readers a bit of the feel of Rexx as a programming language .
Rexx has a strong language standard to which all the interpreters mentioned in this article conform .
Somewhat late in the game , ANSI officially adopted a standard for Rexx in1996 .
Perhaps the greatest strength in Rexx as a text processing language is its useful collection of built-in string manipulation functions .
Their site contains miscellaneous links to useful libraries and other resources , including details on the Rexx ANSI Standard .
In Rexx they go under the name " stem variables ," but the concept is very similar that of dictionaries in many other languages .
The Rexx programming language was first created in1979 , as a very high level scripting language that had a particularly strong facility for text processing tasks .
A nice feature of Rexx 's text handling functions is the naturalness of treating lines as being composed of whitespace-separated words .
Other OS makers , such as Amiga , have also integrated Rexx as an always-available system scripting language .
Like Perl , REBOL , REXX , and TCL , it is a flexible scripting language with powerful text manipulation capabilities .
In bash-like fashion , anything in Rexx that is not recognized as an internal instruction or function is assumed to be an external utility .
The site also contains links to a number of useful Rexx libraries for working with application areas like Tk , Curses , Sockets , SQL , and others .
Some instructions in Rexx may explicitly specify a stack to operate on ; but other instructions operate within an environment which you configure with the ADDRESS instruction .
Coming more out of an IBM " big-iron " environment than from Unix systems , Rexx is little-known to many Linux programmers and systems administrators .
Nowadays ( especially on Linux or BSD-derived OS 's ), most of those older implementations of Rexx are primarily interesting as historical footnotes .
Regina is the LGPL Rexx implementation used in writing and testing the examples in this article , and for most people will be the best choice for an environment to install .
And Rexx is certainly Turing-complete , enables modules and structured programming , and has libraries for tasks such as GUI interfaces , network programming , and database access .
Not every string is valid Rexx symbol which restricts the keys in the dictionary but Rexx is pretty liberal about its symbol names , compared to most languages . E.g.
For quick and easily readable scripts that perform text manipulation on the inputs and outputs of external processes , Rexx is hard to beat , and not hard to learn or install .
Following the example of the execution of the argument cmd , you could write a shell or interactive environment in Rexx ( perhaps running either external utilities or built-in commands , much like bash ) .
In capabilities and programming level , Rexx can be compared most closely to bash plus the GNU text utilities ( throwing in grep and sed for good measure ); or maybe to awk or Perl .
Stylistically , the IBM / mainframe roots of Rexx show in its case-insensitive commands ; and to a lesser degree in the relative sparsity of punctuation it uses ( preferring keywords to symbols ) .