Robert Boyle

美 [ˈrɒbət bɔɪl]英 [ˈrɒbət bɔɪl]
  • 网络波义耳;波义尔;波以耳;化学家波义耳;玻意耳
Robert BoyleRobert Boyle
  1. What Robert Boyle ( 1627-1691 ) gave in his Sceptical Chymist ( 1661 ) is not , as is commonly said , a modern definition of a chemical element , but a traditional definition of a chemical element .


  2. C Robert Boyle suggested that some fire particles must have been trapped in the calx , thus making it heavier .


  3. A Reappraisal of the Statement Boyle Established Chemistry as Science : Robert Boyle and the Seventeenth Century Chemistry


  4. But suddenly Britain was full of physicists – there was Robert Hooke , Robert Boyle – and even some people not called Robert , like Isaac Newton .
