Stuart Hall

美 [ˈstuərt hɔːl]英 [ˈstjʊət hɔːl]
  • 网络斯图亚特·霍尔;霍尔;斯图尔特·霍尔;赫尔;史都华·赫尔
Stuart HallStuart Hall
  1. Analysis on the Way of Semiotics of Stuart Hall and Cultural Studies


  2. Representation and Signifying Practices & How Stuart Hall Defines Culture


  3. The Model of Stuart Hall : a Paragon of Annotation


  4. Stuart Hall is one of the major representative of culture studies , and his theory is the most important and typical theory in culture study .


  5. On Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Ethnicity in Modern Diasporic Culture and Diaspora Theory of Stuart Hall


  6. The Postcolonial Critique of Modernity : On Stuart Hall 's Diasporic Identity Theorizations


  7. This is an interdisciplinary study between Cultural Studies and Media Studies , based mainly on Michel Foucault 's theory of power and knowledge and Stuart Hall 's analysis of media representation .


  8. Stuart Hall puts forward new ethnicities , and sees film narrative as a new representation of new ethnicities , which displays a new dimension of contemporary diasporic culture theory .


  9. Stuart Hall is an important theorist in culture study field , with his culture study known for its openness , plurality and outstanding practicality , producing wide influence in the culture study field .


  10. Stuart Hall , known as the Father of Cultural Studies , has won his great reputation by his academic achievement and enthusiastic participation in social political practices . Hall has a wide sphere of vision and takes an active part in heated discussion concerning culture .


  11. Under this situation , Stuart Hall who worked in Center for Contemporary Cultural Studies of Birmingham ( CCCS ) for ten fifteen years , hoped to find another theory which can avoid the limitations of the two modes to motivate the development of cultural studies .
