- n.特拉斯泰韦雷

ROME is the capital of Italy and offers a stunning night life enjoyment in places such as Trastevere and Campo de ' Fiori .
So this summer , I rented an apartment with a basic but functional kitchen in the Trastevere neighborhood , close to some of Rome 's best markets .
I eat my lunch in a quiet trattoria here , and I linger over my food and wine for many hours because nobody in Trastevere is ever going to stop you from lingering over your meal if that 's what you would like to do .
Had the bridges across the Tiber been destroyed , as the head of the defense force , de ceri , had advised , we might have trapped them in the Trastevere and held them off for long enough to regroup into some kind of fighting force .
I cross over the river to Trastevere - the neighborhood that claims to be inhabited by the truest Romans , the workers , the guys who have , over the centuries , built all the monuments on the other side of the Tiber .