
  • n.蒂罗尔;季罗尔
  1. The state is split into two parts called North Tyrol and East Tyrol by the state of Salzburg .


  2. North Tyrol is a little bit bigger and borders Bavaria , Germany in the north , and to its south , it borders Italy and Switzerland .


  3. I know you still care about Tyrol and adama .


  4. By whom was chief tyrol 's blackbird stealth fighter named ?


  5. For each of these two tunes , Clementine and Tyrol , make two different kinds of percussion accompaniments .


  6. Where are Tyrol and Cally trapped with an oxygen leak in " A Day in the Life "?


  7. Where are Cally and Galen Tyrol trapped in " A Day in the Life "?


  8. The undergarments were among almost 3000 fragments of clothing and other detritus found in Lengberg Castle in East Tyrol during recent renovations .


  9. What does Tyrol do during Baltar 's speech ?


  10. Thesong was an immediate success but remained a secret for many years , until an organ delivery man from Tyrol took note of it on his way through the village .


  11. During her recent walking holiday in the mountains of south Tyrol a number of CDU heavyweights , fearing drift and a loss of the party 's identity , called for an emergency party congress .


  12. The Tirol Atlas is a transnational Interreg-project , co-financed by the Land Tirol and the Autonomous Province of Bozen , South Tyrol .


  13. Thorsten Strotmann plans to drive the route between Ellmau and Kitzbuehel in the Austrian province of Tyrol wearing a steel mask and a black sack over his head .


  14. Cattle graze in a meadow on a misty morning-the first day of autumn-in Kirchberg , in the Austrian province of Tyrol on Tuesday , Sept.21,2010 .


  15. And Mrs Merkel , while holidaying in sulden in South Tyrol , seems to have found the time ( after reading our memo on how to break up the euro ) , and the ready wit , to reply .


  16. High costs and waning public support were a significant part of the reason other potential bidders for the 2022 Games - including Munich , Stockholm , a combined bid from the Tyrol region in Austria and Italy , and , very late in the process , Oslo - fell over one another while backing out .


  17. stalla , Auschwitz and Zator , Teschen , Friaul , Dubrovnik and Zadar ; Princely Count of Habsburg and Tyrol , of Kyburg , Gorizia and Gradisca ; Prince of Trento and Brixen ; Margrave of Upper and Lower Lusatia . " His other titles were more minor .
