
美 [ˈælfəz]英 [ˈælfəz]
  • n.希腊字母表的第1个字母
  • alpha的复数
  1. Early in life , Alphas realize that they are smarter than most people — perhaps even smarter than their parents and teachers ;


  2. Most people feel stress when they have to make important decisions : Alphas get stressed when tough decisions don ’ t rest in their capable hands .


  3. Most Alphas assess information and situations very quickly , and this rapid processing can prevent them from listening to others — especially to those who don ’ t communicate in “ Alpha-speak . ” Their impatience can thus cause them to miss subtle but important details .


  4. Alphas reach the top ranks in large organizations because they are natural leaders .


  5. Real alphas know what 's right by instinct .


  6. Many alphas are also dedicated to exercise , which helps burn off excess adrenaline and cortisol .


  7. They were Alphas , of course , but even Alphas have been well conditioned .


  8. Put our Alphas on alert .


  9. Alphas , moreover , have opinions about everything , and they rarely admit that those opinions might be wrong or incomplete .


  10. These themes are covered in my new book , fall of the alphas : the new beta way to connect , collaborate , influence & and lead .


  11. Over the past couple of years , articles and books have declared that the end of men is nigh and that female alphas are surging .


  12. The Three Alphas never made sense . Wade , Butler , and Rajon Rondo struggled to play with one another , since none could consistently stretch the floor .


  13. According to the recent results of neoclassical bootstrap current studies , we calculate the bootstrap current of alphas , electrons and ions in the absence of the induced current in a tokamak .


  14. OK , so tiny fraction , tiny fraction of alphas , tiny fraction of incident alphas , tiny fraction of incident alphas deflected through large angles .


  15. The main idea of the finite difference method is as follows : We consider the discrete difference equation with the finite alphas as approximate substitution for the differential equation with the continuous variant and boundary conditions .


  16. She just wrapped production of Alphas in Toronto and has supposedly been visiting Matt in Vancouver . He has a new CW show of his own coming out called Cult .


  17. At some factories workers wear jumpsuits of different colours according to their employment status & akin to the alphas and epsilons of Aldous Huxley 's " Brave New World " .


  18. In Huxley 's 1932 novel about a dystopian future , the Alphas , Betas and others populating his " Brave New World " have at their disposal a drug called soma .


  19. Before Alphas , she was on General Hospital : Night Shift and single episodes of How I Met your Mother , Entourage , Psych , Castle , NCIS and Body of Proof , among other shows .


  20. According to Us Weekly , The Vampire Diaries hottie Matthew Davis ( RIP Alaric ) has been dating Alphas actress Azita Ghanizada for the past four months . They reportedly first dated nearly eight years ago .


  21. A variety of approaches used to assess private equity returns in the academic literature - ranging from " public market equivalents " to " alphas " in performance regressions - give a far more reasonable sense of the performance of private equity funds .


  22. So you have people who are like caricatures of alphas , really coming into the room , they get right into the middle of the room before class even starts , like they really want to occupy space . When they sit down , they 're sort of spread out . They raise their hands like this .
