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  1. The Role of Indian Buddhism in Fostering International Contacts in Ancien Asia


  2. A man of rank in the ancien regime .


  3. It is one thing to kill the king and oust the ancien regime , it is something very different and much harder to put a better and lasting successor in its place .


  4. and as for bishops , a class of person particularly dear to Mrs Turing , they epitomised for him the ancien r é gime .


  5. In the ancien r é gime the theatres were free to produce Beaumarchais 's mocking of the aristocracy and the immortal opera composed by Mozart .


  6. Duringthe ancien r é gime Paris was the central hub of culture and economicactivity , and as such the most highly skilled culinary craftsmen wereto be found there .


  7. Because the philosophers of anti-inductivism generally overlook this condition , So they call in question or refutation of inductivism manyly with false ground of argument or a trick by ancien premier .


  8. Mme de Sta ë l , a great talker and intellectual of the French ancien r é gime , called conversation " a means of reciprocally and rapidly giving one another pleasure ; of speaking just as quickly as one thinks ; of spontaneously enjoying one 's self ; of being applauded without working ... [ A ]
