
  • v.通知;报告

过去式: apprized 现在分词: apprizing 过去分词: apprized 第三人称单数: apprizes



increase the value of
The Germans want to appreciate the Deutsche Mark
Synonym: appreciate apprise
gain in value
The yen appreciated again!
Synonym: appreciate apprise revalue
make aware of
Have the students been apprised of the tuition hike?
Synonym: instruct apprise
inform (somebody) of something
I advised him that the rent was due
Synonym: advise notify give notice send word apprise


  1. Patients have right of informed consent and medical workers have obligation of relevant apprizing .


  2. A discussion about the notify obligation of health professionals from the aspect of informed consent Application of Apprizing in Hospital Infection Management


  3. Inside personnel who know inside information can commit this crime through " suggesting ", not to need to apprize his relatives and friends .


  4. The Physician s Apprize Duty and the Patients Rights to Know ; Problems concerning Informed Consent While Signing the Informed Consent Form for Anesthesia


  5. Results The incidence of medical disputes in the group which was applied with new nursing and apprizes process was 0.2 % . While the incidence of the other group was 1.1 % .


  6. Results : After carrying out apprizing for one year , reaching criteria ratio of hospital infection control had raised from 93.13 % to 94.61 % during 2004-2005 and the effects were remarkable .


  7. In order to avoid or decrease drug-induced disease , the standardized way of message apprizing , cause and effect judgement , arrangement analysis and trace are put out for adverse drug reaction monitoring .


  8. Then the author introduce the application and merit of mobile telephone short message in Library about the Query Service , Apprize Service , Reference , Management of Library Affairs , Publicize information and so on .


  9. Reduce the number of folding paper , adjust the machinery , try adding an impressing device on the glue machinery , and I 'll apprize you whether it 's feasible in early May .


  10. She came in to apprise , apprize me that my presence was required . B : Not really . But I need some dark soya sauce to fry noodles .


  11. Objective : Introduce apprizing to hospital infection management to help the be-managed to avoid damages due to un-criterion medical techniques under the open 、 fair 、 and equitable conditions and cooperate with the hospital to control hospital infections .
