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  • 网络水;表观量子效率;量子效率;先期质量工程师;品质工程师
  1. New Contents of Readers Education in Network Aqe


  2. The saturated light intensity and apparent quantum efficiency ( AQE ) were highest in the morning , lowest at noon , and raised in a degree in the afternoon .


  3. At the water table of 1.4 m , 2.4 m and 3.4 m , the photosynthetic rate , the respiration rate and the apparent quantum efficiency ( AQE ) decreased with reduce of the water table , but light compensation point ( LCP ) increased .


  4. Ultraviolet B ( UV B ) radiation reduced the net photosynthetic rate ( Pn ) and apparent quanta efficiency ( AQE ) of bean , cucumber and soybean seedlings , and the longer Ultraviolet B radiation time were , the more decrease in Pn and AQE were .
