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  1. Methods Two cases of Balo 's disease were investigated retrospectively and associated literature was reviewed .


  2. Objective To analyze the clinical and imaging features , mechanism and antemortem diagnosis of Balo 's disease .


  3. MRI diagnosis and clinicopathologic analysis of Balo 's concentric sclerosis


  4. Conclusion Balo 's concentric sclerosis has characteristic findings on MRI . MRI is a very reliable diagnostic methed for this disease .


  5. Three reports on clinical manifestation and radiological features of Balo 's concentric sclerosis : Limb asthenia , without conscious disturbance , and combined with cognitive functional lesion


  6. Objective To sum up the clinical manifestations , imaging and brain histopathological characters in patients with concentric sclerosis ( Balo ), which was compared with the manifestations of multiple sclerosis .


  7. Methods : We report the MRI manifestations of two cases with Balo 's concentric sclerosis , all treated with steroid and after the clinical symptoms alleviated , performed the MRI examination .


  8. In this paper we report a group of patients diagnosed sporadic encephalitis clinically , 7 cases of them are confirmed Cerebral type multiple sclerosis and 3 Cases are documented Balo disease by autopsy .


  9. Objective To observe the characteristics of demyelination , the regeneration and apoptosis of astrocytes in tumefactive demyelinating lesion ( TDL ), as well as to explore the morphogenesis in one case of Balo disease .
