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  • n.牧师助理;小官吏;法院执达员;法院差役;堂区委员会助理
  • n.教区事务员;(英国大学举行典礼时的)执权标领队者


a minor parish official who serves a ceremonial function


  1. They always sent their beadle the day before to say they were coming .


  2. Mr Brown low asked , when the beadle had explained the reason for his visit .


  3. The grim beadle now made a gesture with his staff .


  4. ' I despise'em , 'said the beadle , growing very red in the face .


  5. The beadle hit him on the back , and so naturally Oliver cried even more .


  6. The board sometimes the health of the children , but They always sent the beadle . a kind of local policeman , to


  7. To his critics he 's Jeremy Beadle with a degree in anthropology .


  8. It was , in fact , Mr Bumble the beadle , Oliver 's old enemy .


  9. You 're a kind - hearted woman , Mrs Corney , ' said the beadle .


  10. The matron looked , from the little kettle , to the beadle , who was moving towards the door ;


  11. The master hit him with the serving spoon , then and the beadle.The beadle came quickly , heard the , and immediately tell the board .


  12. Oliver made a bow , which was divided between the beadle on the chair , and the cocked hat on the table .


  13. ' Stand a little away from him , Beadle , 'said the other magistrate : laying aside the paper , and leaning forward with an expression of interest .


  14. The beadle is so careful that two gentlemen not very neat about the cuffs and buttons should see all that is to be seen .


  15. In1941 , George Wells Beadle and Edward Lawrie Tatum showed that mutationsin genes caused errors in certain steps in metabolic pathways .


  16. and where he was good enough - the lawful beadle being infirm - to keep an eye upon the boys , over whom he exercised great power , in virtue of his mysterious hook .


  17. Preceded by the beadle , and attended by an irregular procession of stern-browed men and unkindly-visaged women , Hester Prynne set forth towards the place appointed for her punishment .


  18. Mark beadle , chief executive of Capio Nightingale hospitals , a provider of private psychiatric treatment , says the number of city workers coming to his clinics with depression or anxiety has risen by 30 to 40 per cent .


  19. So Noah ran through the streets as quickly as he could to fetch the beadle . When he reached the workhouse , he waited for a minute to make sure his face was suitably tearful and frightened .


  20. But , much to the disappointment of the crowd , this latter business was broken off by the interposition of the town beadle , who had no idea of permitting the majesty of the law to be violated by such an abuse of one of its consecrated places .
