Blear image has lower entropy value .
Blear language is one kind of language expressing styles in literature works and application essays .
He was concerned about the recent blear in his vision .
MS Blears said she had complied with the law .
Downing Street said Mr Brown was " relaxed " about Miss Blears 's remarks .
Ms Blears pointedly refused to say a good word about the prime minister as she resigned .
and after dropping a curtsey , she stood blinking at us with her bleared eyes
Lie lightless , all their sparkles bleared and black and blind .
And yesterday , the Communities Secretary Hazel Blears advised the Prime Minister to get out and have a " bit of fun " .
The tall young man standing on the steps turned his bleared eyes from the tavern-keeper to the smiths , as though considering with which to fight .
And yesterday , perhaps believing she was acting in his best interests , Hazel Blears advised the Prime Minister to get out and have a " bit of fun " .
MS Blears and Mr Byrne will both call for stronger borders , through a single border force , but also restate efforts to make immigrants learn English and become better " citizens " .
He gorged himself habitually at table , which made him bilious , and gave him a dim and bleared eye with flabby cheeks .
He gorged himself habitually at table , which made him bilious , and gave him a dim and bleared eye and flabby cheeks .
Ms Smith was expected to leave soon , but the particular timing and the nature of her resignation , even more so of Ms Blears , seem designed to cause Mr Brown the greatest discomfort .
The author illustrates the connotation of the order education according to the practice , analyzes the background , then puts forward that both schools and companies should be blear of their duty and task , in order to carry out the order education .
There she beheld another countenance , of a man well stricken in years , a pale , thin , scholar-like visage , with eyes dim and bleared by the lamplight that had served them to pore over many ponderous books .