bling bling

美 [blɪŋ blɪŋ]英 [blɪŋ blɪŋ]
  • adj.珠光宝气的
  • vi.穿着炫目
bling blingbling bling


flashy, ostentatious jewelry
the rapper was loaded with bling
Synonym: bling


  1. Hip hop singers like to go bling bling in their music videos to look fancy .


  2. The trend in China is moving away from ostentatious bling bling design ; the next generation of Chinese fashion buyers wants something less western , more Oriental , more Zen , she says .


  3. In a country where the electronic scene is dominated by top100 djs and bling bling mega discos , local producers are rare and Dead J is without a doubt one of the best amongst them .


  4. Hollande , who was elected in 2012 , has always portrayed himself as " Mr Normal , " in stark contrast to his predecessor Nicolas Sarkozy whose flashy lifestyle saw him dubbed " President Bling Bling . "


  5. The New York Times has also weighed in , declaring the right-hand ring finger the " bling finger "(" bling " being the name given to the over-sized , shiny jewellery that rap stars wear ) .
