- 网络博雅公关
Mr Penn continues to run Burson-Marsteller and to manage its Microsoft account himself .
Burson-Marsteller has a " brainstorming " room that has wide windows and a great view .
Today I had to talk with the Burson-Marsteller San Francisco office to give them some detailed information on our client .
By Ambassador Karen Hughes , worldwide vice chair , Burson-Marsteller
The Daily Beast discovered that Facebook hired public relations firm Burson-Marsteller to pitch anti-Google stories to publications .
Were it not itself owned by WPP , Burson-Marsteller might benefit from the brand restoration insurance that AON , the insurance broker , is now selling .
The first time it happened to Jonathan Zaback , a manager at the public relations company Burson-Marsteller , he was out with friends and showing off his new BlackBerry Curve .
Business leaders should remember that , from BP to Burson-Marsteller ( which admitted its campaign for Facebook was against our policies ), recent events prove that the worst injuries to company reputation are frequently self-inflicted .
At the Washington offices of Burson-Marsteller , which handles public relations and polling for a variety of corporate and political clients , so-called associates typically make $ 40000 to $ 50000 a year , and often work well beyond 40 hours a week .
Catherine Sullivan , a company spokeswoman , said : " Burson-Marsteller has always paid , and will continue to pay , overtime to those who are eligible . " She noted that employees below the associate level currently do receive overtime pay and also participate in round-the-clock monitoring .