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  • n.取消;坎塞尔
  1. Finally , a statistics algorithm is contributed to process the scores and cancell the individual dispersions based on a normal distribution supposition .


  2. And weep afresh love 's long since cancell 'd woe , And moan the expense of many a vanish 'd sight :


  3. In order to cancell the influence of the enormous background noise , this paper introduces a new kind of signal processing method & the Adaptive Noise Cancelling technique ( abbreviated as ANC ) .


  4. The practical result indicates that ANC can cancell the background noise effectively , It offers effective method and basis not only for on-the-spot measuring and analysis of bearing noise or other dynamic signals but also for mechanical fault diagnosis .


  5. And what says my conceal 'd lady to our cancell 'd love ? No particular reason . Maybe this is Tianjin style . Or to use a trendy phrase , it is the " Tianjin complex " .
