- v.轻声地笑;低声轻笑
- chuckle的第三人称单数

This little letter gave us a few chuckles , I can tell you
Tell Chuckles that you , you got some business you forgot .
Father always chuckles when he reads the funny papers .
A college freshman chats and chuckles on his cell phone .
My name is Leonard , but my friends call me Chuckles .
It was one of those dark chocolate reassuring silky chuckles .
Schlesinger chuckles at the notion of perfect trading software .
Just for chuckles , see if you can find anything in your books about sparrows .
They adlibbed so much and broke down in chuckles so often .
My friend standing beside me chuckles , " Do you do this before every exam ? "
We began laughing and rocking each other through our chuckles .
To more chuckles , he recalls how the entry of more local players into this market drove him out again .
He chuckles and says ," yes , my beloved , folks do say that married people grow to resemble each other !"
I don 't think it will be a successful relationship at least not in commercial terms [ Chuckles ] but it is one that needs to be explored .
it rapidly becomes " Charlie , " and then " Chuck , " and then " Chuckles Baby . "
" I just can 't see myself as a wife and mother at the moment ," she chuckles . " So I 'll let nature take its course !"
See this happens every semester that the chuckles , the grimaces , kind of roll through the crowd as people catch on , but there you go .
B : You 're attracted to her , [ chuckles ] That sounds great , but how do you know that it 's a crush or it 's real love ?
Eleanor : ( chuckles ) Excuse me . Freddy , what on earth are you doing here ? -
He probably even chuckles to himself inwardly at the desperation of my plea , a desperation that I could scarcely keep out of my voice .
Sharing a few good giggles and chuckles makes people more willing to tell others something personal about themselves , without even necessarily being aware that they are doing so , suggests new research .
D : ( chuckles ) That 's not exactly what I had in mind . I know your research costs are high , but what I 'd like is a25 % discount .
Her son , she chuckles , has been supportive , but she feels it is more from a desire to keep her from meddling in his own life .
" When I walked past in full costume , the crew 's eyes would light up , but a few of them had a glimmer of fear in their eyes as well ," Christensen chuckles .
Everyone eventually went back to the city , except the stupid ones and me , says the 52-year-old Mr Yan , a chain-smoker who coughs when he chuckles at his own jokes .
I didn 't respond to the human being . I was too preoccupied with getting the quick laugh . I allowed a complex issue to elude me just so I could get some chuckles from my cabinet .
" Don 't worry , I 've been coming here for months and I 'm still alive ," chuckles Chohei Sato , chief of the village council , as he rolls down the window and inhales cheerfully .